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TGIF - what shall we do? - Ian Cook
Well, chaps - another 'orrible wet and windy weekend looms! What's to do?

Can't go flying my model aircraft.

Can't go out on the bicycle - another busted spoke, courtesy of the superb roads in South Gloucestershire.

Wouldn't cut the grass, even if I could.

Had enough of DIY fitted wardrobes.

Suppose I could bash the dent out that some kind soul put in the back of the Xantia in Tesco's car park.

Could muck the inside of the van out, ready for model aircraft flying when the wind and rain stop.

Could mend the grandfather clock.

Could start on the Bass in the fridge, I suppose. Probably will - pity there's not a decent motoring programme on telly to accompany it!

What do the usual suspects get up to when rained off for 4 weekends in a row?

Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - David W

All I can offer is fitting mudflaps, new stereo speakers and a timing belt to the Polo on Sat or an elusive misfire plus all fluids service on a V8 Discovery for Sun.

Just choose a day!

Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Brill

I may just dust down my baseball bat, anyone fancy a trip up north?

DW, Stuart B, help, I need the number of your therapist ... fast.

Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - ladas are slow
you can have the number of my therapist if you want.
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Flat in Fifth
Hi Stu,

Here is my long weekend....gripping (not)

took advantage of the better weather today to look at some motors.

Then it was a quick interim service of SWMBO's Nova, I know its going soon but got to keep up standards.

Weekend taking a trip up north (baseball bat packed just in case ;-) to visit the outlaws and looking at more motors cos he wants a change of wheels.

Listen to praise or grumble on the radio after the footy match.

Fail to win the lottery, due to not buying a ticket.

Other general family stuff, as I say gripping.

To try and give you that Friday feeling here is a virtual Crunchie, unwrapping................now!

Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Mark (Brazil)
> I may just dust down my baseball bat, anyone fancy a trip up
> north?

Make it a week on Sunday, and I'll come with you.

I have some very interesting little devices that I picked up from some Indians in the Amazon, I've been dying to find out if they work.

Failing that, fancy a beer ?


p.s. I am serious about the trip up North.
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - ian (cape town)
Can I bring my stair rod?
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - ladas are slow
i will be going to two car boot sales, thats all.
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Sid
Are you going to sell the boot of your lada?

I might spend some time playing with fire!
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Brill
Gore-Tex or Triple Point Ceramic? - Lee H
Following on from the example set by The Prince of Wales, I'm off to the Lake District for the weekend, although I'm a little worried that there may be more lakes than fells with all this rain.

Good excuse to buy a new jacket in the sales to keep the rain off - anyone understand the difference between Gore-Tex XCR and Triple Point? And is willing to admit it? :)

Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - alvin booth
How good is your therapist????. And did you have to pay him on results.
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - ladas are slow
at £20 an hour i dont think she will ever decide to cure me.
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Sid
I thought visiting ladies who charge £20 per hour gave you things rather than cured you!
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Richard P
Well they say that the hardest thing for someone with a problem, is to admit to having a problem! Is LAS admitting that he needs some help at last?!
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Brian
I think about tidying up the tip that I call my study.
Or think about tidying up the tip that I call the garage.
Or think about tidying up the tip that I call the loft.
Then I lay down in a darkened room until the feeling goes away!
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Bill Doodson

I think that the Bass sounds quite good, but Stella for myself. Brian has the same ideas as me, the study looks like poo and the garage is worse but I cant be bothered. I Have to put more chain lube in the Scotoiler on the Blackbird, but I have only used that for a couple of days since Dec due to frost or high winds. Last week was a horror, the M62 from Manchester to Huddersfield in the dark in rush hour traffic (with the winds that so badly affected Scotland) with the bike all over what was left of the road @@@*****. Yea the Stella.

Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - ChrisR
Any therapist that has to charge 20 quid an hour isn't qualified to cure you. If you're not too discerning you might get "relief" from one of the poor girls on the Shields Road for that. Just don't go in your Lada or they'll run away.

Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Brill
My real therapy this weekend . . . the tennis club.

May the sun shine for all of you.


ps. Thanks for the Crunchie.
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Flat in Fifth
Looks like a few regulars will have to change their aliases to Pete Waterman, wasn't he known as "The Hit Man" ??

PS English grammar pedants,
please what is the plural of alias?

aliases alias'

just showing my ignorance I confess
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Mark (Brazil)
"aliases" is correct.

Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - KB
Triplepoint *Ceramic* is a unique multi layer microporous coating which is waterproof, windproof and breathable. It differs from other treatments in that the manufacturing process involves multiple coatings and the introduction of ceramic particles, which are impregnated into the coating under high pressure. This has the effect of creating microscpic holes around each particle. These cavities are large enough to permit the passage of water vapour to the outside face but small enough to prevent ligquid water from moving the other way. Since it is physically anchored to the fabric, it won't de-laminate or become damaged. A special Dry Yarn technology DWR treatment is also applied to the coated fabric's outer face too significantly improve wet weather performance and beading, this can be re-generated simply by exposing the garment to a heat source ie. medium heat iron or tumble drier. There are currently two constructions of Ceramic used in garment production. STANDARD and DIRECT LINED Without going into detail - Direct Lined is better than Standard.

Then there is NON Ceramic Triplepoint - A multi layer non ceramic coating which is lighter than ceramic and better suited to lighter , general use rather than more demanding outdoor sports. The outer face has a standard DWR treatment applied to it's face to improve performance. I wouldn't get this one.

XCR stands for eXtended Comfort Range. I won't go into detail but offers 25 % more breathability than standard Goretex garments. Available in 2 or 3 layer specification.

Personally I would feel happy with *good* make with a Goretex 2 or 3 layer, depending on it's intended use. My mate used the Triplepoint Ceramic on the Pennine Way and it was fine and I would be happy to buy one of those as well. (I used a Buffalo and Sprayway 3 layer and was a bit over heated). The one I haven't tried is PARAMO. Very different from the others, but many swear by it. It's made by the NIKWAX people and I would say is well worth a lok. Not everyone sells it, but check it out before you buy.

So - a good spec Lowe Alpine Triplepoint Ceramic. or a Berghaus or Sprayway Goretex or a Paramo. Enough to keep you occupied for the weekend.


Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - David W

But can you get a decent jacket in this stuff up the market for £29.99?

(Yes I know there's one in the Sat boot sale Chris but I don't want a blue one)

Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Lee H

Thanks for that - I really didn't have a clue about the differences, and the bloke in George Fisher over Christmas didn't make things that much clearer.

Was looking at a Lowe Alpine - SWMBO got one in the sales, and it seems excellent. My current old faithful has probably had its last NIKWAX re-proofing.

I'll have a look in Ambleside at the shop you recommend. I do like Fishers, they carry good stuff - but the prices!

Many thanks,
........and a car link.....

Well - if I spend an arm and a leg (or torso) on a high quality jacket, will it be better value than buying the £29.99 every year for the next seven years? What will be the depreciation, should I change the zips at 3 years or 400 miles? Should I go for synthetic materials, or will that loosen all the crud gathered when I was using organic?

Or - would high tech fabrics be any good on convertible roofs?

Just about back on topic
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Alyn Beattie
I've heard of "anoraks" but this is ridiculous :-)
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - KB
PS. If you go to Ambleside, get your new jacket in Gaynor Sports in the town centre (on the site of the old bus garage). You won't get a better deal.

Well you probably won't get a better deal - not unless you nick one of course.

Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - KB
PPS. And the motoring connection here is.........


Aren't the roads in the Lake district towns busy in summer?...

Err.........Are there any Gatso's in Kendal?......

Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Colin Standing
KB You responses are frequently so carefully thought out, well researched and polite, it seems only fair that, as one with considerable local knowledge, I should respond to your two questions;

yes, the roads in the Lakes are frequently very busy;

something I'd hoped never to admit, but you forced my hand....I've always wondered what a GATSO is (it, or he, gets so many mentions on this site too) so I'm afraid I can't tell you if there are any in Kendal despite having lived there for 20 plus years.

Cheers Colin S
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Colin Standing
KB You responses are frequently so carefully thought out, well researched and polite, it seems only fair that, as one with considerable local knowledge, I should respond to your two questions;

yes, the roads in the Lakes are frequently very busy;

something I'd hoped never to admit, but you forced my hand....I've always wondered what a GATSO is (it, or he, gets so many mentions on this site too) so I'm afraid I can't tell you if there are any in Kendal despite having lived there for 20 plus years.

Cheers Colin S
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - KB
I know you're only having a light hearted pop David, and yes you can get cheap jackets, but it was when I was walking along the front at Seaton a number of years ago, and the rain was coming sideways as well as down - that I realised I needed a decent jacket and bottoms. Yes, indeed I do have a 'waterproof fetish' and have had much counselling but it persists.

If you read this in combination with my contributions re. the N. Y. Moors Steam Railway, you'll realise that there is, in fact, no hope.

Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Mark (Brazil)
Seaton - there's a name from my past. Familiar with the Racal Factory there ?
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Lee H
We're doomed together

Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - KB
Indeed, the mere fact that I was walking along the front in Seaton in the pouring rain is evidence enough.

Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - KB
Isn't that near the Camp site (Warners is it?)
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Mark (Brazil)
Yes, just along. Is that holiday camp still there ? It looked like it was going out of business 15 years ago !

Mind you, Racal isn't there anymore either. Sad that.

And the Red Lion ? Just outside Seaton on the road away from the beach ?
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - KB
I'm not sure - someone else will be.

W'll be in big trouble here, we're well off topic unless you can bring it round in the meantime........


Can't remember the Red Lion. We stayed in a little self catering house at £75 p.w.

I know how to treat a gal.
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Mark (Brazil)
> W'll be in big trouble here, we're well off topic unless you
> can bring it round in the meantime........


You know the steep narrow hill at the opposite end of town to Racal ? The brakes on my sister's Reliant Robin failed on that hill when I was driving it. It was traumatic.
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Mark (Brazil)
Dammit, Woollard, will you get that call waiting thing sorted out. I'm trying to call you and I just know you're in here.
Re: TGIF - what shall we do indeed? - Ronnie Courtney

It seemed as if we hadn't heard from you for a little while, so I was actually going to ask what was going on in Brazil, apart from the CV joint continuing to rotate satisfactorily we hope (motoring thread ...), when up *you* come with some very interesting plans suggesting that you might be more in need of an virtual alibi than a virtual alias!

Good virtual hunting ..... and hope CV is well and thriving.


PS You'll need one of KB's space age waterproof suits if you do go to Geordieland, or anywhere else here for that matter.
Re: TGIF - what shall we do indeed? - Mark (Brazil)

Why, I ask myself, does she follow a perfect 3 hour cycle between the hours of 7am and Midnight, but its total chaos between midnight and 7am ?

It makes me too tired to drive in the morning (appropriate reference).

As for the virtual alibi, I would only need that if there was a law against any allegedly intended activities. - i.e. some animals are protected by law, and some are regarded as pests which may be disposed of accordingly.

Re: TGIF - what shall we do indeed? - Mark (Brazil)
And also, to keep it on topic -

This weekend I am taking the two girlies to a barbecue on the beach tomorrow and on Sunday I shall take my normal stroll along the beach with the dogs, collect my week-old Saturday Telegraph and go and sit in a beach bar and see what HJ had to say last week.
Re: TGIF - what shall we do indeed? - Sid
The telegraph is available on the internet you know. :-)

Even HJ's answers are on screen the same day.

Mind you, sand gets in the keyboard and you cant wipe your a¬$e with a laptop.
Re: TGIF - what shall we do indeed? - Mark (Brazil)
I know, but its not the same. Paper spread out, glass of beer on one side, plate or eaty-picky-stuff on the other to stop it blowing around, dogs chewing on Brazilians - that's the life.

And as for laptops, that's about all mine is good for.
Re: TGIF - what shall we do indeed? - Ronnie Courtney

We hadn't heard from you for a little while, so I was actually going to ask what was going on in Brazil, apart from CV joint's smooth rotation (motoring thread ...), when up you come with some potentially very interesting plans.

If tjey come off, it sounds as if you may need a virtual alibi more than a virtual alias!

Good hunting .... keep us posted, and hope that CV is well and thriving.


PS If you do make the trip to Geordieland, or anywhere else in UK at present, you'll need some of KB's space age waterproofs.
Re: TGIF - what shall we do indeed? - Miller
Anybody fancy coming over to my house and painting my spare bedroom?

Thought not! :-(
TGIF = ? - Harold
TGIF - Top Gear Is Finished?
Re: TGIF = ? - Ian Cook
You guys seem to have as much idea of what to do on a wet weekend as I have - except Mark from Brazil, but he's not blessed with our weather! Bit quiet from Andy Bairsto - probably sunny in Dresden?

It's now 8.23pm and even the cat won't go out. Me - I've already started on the Basssss. And SWMBO's got a good idea for tomorrow - she's going to help me tidy up the number two garage. Crikey, I'll never find anything again.

Ian (slowly sinking into the armchair zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - David Withers
I'll be spending both days doing some rivetting stuff down at the local steam railway.

Don't I love it when you lot give me a chance to sneak 'steam' and/or 'railways' onto this forum!! Won't you ever learn?
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - peter charnley
Threads like this are the reason I just love this site. We now have anoraks taking about anoraks in wonderful detail.

Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Ian Cook
Steam railways, David - be my guest. SWMBO and I love them. Which railway are you involved in? Severn Valley, by any chance?

Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - David Withers
Chuffed to hear from you, Ian!

I spend my time at the Nene Valley Railway near Peterborough as a volunteer fitter but visit quite a few others each year. The Severn Valley is a superb railway.
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - THe Growler
Not a problem over here. I shall get the Growlette and we'll go in the 4WD volcano-bashing up Mt Pinatubo with a coolbox full of tinnies and some BBQ. Temps are 32 C here (it's wintertime you see). We'll lash the Honda trailie in the back, 'cos you can only get so far in the truck then you have to pass thru a tight ravine to get to the crater, which is full of beautiful blue water.
Don't expect to see anybody, maybe a few like us, or some of the local tribespeople selling bows and arrows.

Then we'll hit some of the bars in nearby Angeles City (50p for a beer) see www.balibago.com.

It's tough in the tropics.
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Ian Cook
Growler, you lucky s*d! - and the other backroomers in warmer climes.

Actually, today has dawned quite bright - windy, but not hammering it down. The cat's gone out - that's good news for us, but bad news for the neighbours when they tend their flower beds.

Looks like it might be a reasonable day to nip down the bottle bank and get rid of the Bass empties - then it's on to the grand clearout of the garage.

Tea and buns at about 4pm, I think - but indoors!

Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Mark (Brazil)
I knew if I waited long enough that I'd get to use this link.


You can even buy one if you like.
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - KB
Colin, It's kind of you to speak of my ramblings in such terms. I have only in recent years discovered the breathtaking (in both senses) surroundings on your doorstep and regret that very much.

It pleases me greatly that you hadn't heard of a GATSO. Long may it continue. I'm not going to be the one to expose you to the topic. You've heard the expression 'wish you were here'. Well, I wish I was there!


Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Fred Stoat
I finally bought a new car - Focus Ghia - friendly dealer, good px and a discount and SWMBO likes it. RESULT!!
Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Ian Cook
Good result, Fred. If SWMBO likes it then that's even better. So your weekends, from now on, will involve cleaning it? Or is that SWMBO's privilege for liking it?

Re: TGIF - what shall we do? - Fred Stoat
I get to clean mine and SWMBO's A6 every Sunday unless it rains