miracle cure for black smoke on ebay? - andyonbass
just seen this "miracle cure" for black smoke from diesels on ebay, its all very hush hush, which leads me to think its probably a rip off. However its got some pretty good feedback and its only a fiver. Anyone had any experience of this....


miracle cure foe black smoke on ebay? - Civic8
I really dont understand why anyone would buy something that has no explanation of how it works or why.As the old saying goes (one born every minute)springs to mind?
miracle cure foe black smoke on ebay? - bell boy
the money is for the idea not the actual product,think of the one pence nail and the £40 labour bill to hit it ;)
\"a little man in a big world/\"
miracle cure foe black smoke on ebay? - Altea Ego
As I aint bothered about my black cloud, then a fiver is a rip off
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
miracle cure foe black smoke on ebay? - bell boy
Ok £4.99 to TVM man then ;<)
\"a little man in a big world/\"
miracle cure foe black smoke on ebay? - Manatee
My favourite part of the pitch is

"Afetr weeks of research and investigation..."
miracle cure foe black smoke on ebay? - Manatee
After minutes of research I have concluded that the miracle gadget is a cork for the exhaust pipe.
miracle cure foe black smoke on ebay? - AndyT
Actually, after minutes of research (of the feedback comments), I found this;

"all a bit cloak and dagger just for a ball bearing in the EGR, but works fine+++"

On some diesels (eg-Focus), this would cause a fault code to flag up...
miracle cure foe black smoke on ebay? - jc2
If you block the EGR,yes,your smoke will reduce but NOX(which is why EGR is fitted will go up) and NOX is harmful.What is a FREDA?