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Golf, Leon, or Volvo - Simon L
I have to choose between either a Golf 100bhp TDi, a Seat Leon 110SE TDI, and a Volvo V40 1.9TD for a comnpany car. After driving them I am erring on the Volvo, but have heard unpleasant noises regarding the long term reliability of Mitsubishi parts.

The practicality of the Volvo is the main swaying factor, the Seat is the fun one, but long journeys might be tiring. The Golf runs out of puff past 80 mph....

Any comments?

PS I drive 35,000+ miles per year, am 30, and 5 foot 8 if this info will aid anyone.
Re: Golf, Leon, or Volvo - Honest John
That's easy, then. Go for the SEAT Leon. Don't even dream of the Volvo V40 in your worst nightmare. Bits of Renault and bits of Mitsubishi cobbled together in Holland.

Re: Golf, Leon, or Volvo - Alwyn

Can you remind us where the name SEAT comes from?

I recall the beginning is Societe Espanol Automobile...............

But then the memory goes.
Re: Golf, Leon, or Volvo - Moosh
Touring Car Company of Spain
Re: Golf, Leon, or Volvo - Moosh
Sorry ' Turismo'
Re: Golf, Leon, or Volvo - Bono Estente

not bad from memory, *chapeau!*

but you must have read what SEAT stands for in *Option Auto* or some other French rag!
Re: Golf, Leon, or Volvo - Phil
Another vote for the Leon. Very desirable motahs.
Re: Golf, Leon, or Volvo - CM
can you stretch to a golf 130 PD?

Seat a little small inside but then I am 6ft3
Re: Golf, Leon, or Volvo - Honest John
It's Sociedad Espanola de Automoviles de Turismo, Barcelona.

Re: Golf, Leon, or Volvo - Fred Stoat
Leon 1.8 SE (petrol) and save a bomb on headache pills
Re: Golf, Leon, or Volvo - Phil
yeah right Fred, those 110 TDi's are well known for being crap. Slow, noisy and really not as economical as these smelly diesel lovers make out ;)
Re: Golf, Leon, or Volvo - Simon L
Unfortunately our Glorious Leader has decreed that the 130PD's are too powerful and expensive.
That would have been my first choice until the veto.
Looks like the Seat is the one for me.
Thanks for your help folks!
Re: Golf, Leon, or Volvo - Ronnie Courtney
Simon - That Alastair Campbell is a boy and a bit if he controls the No 10 car policy - as well as everything else!

Enjoy the SEAT.
