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VW's web site - Justin Eidelburgher
Am I the only dim one around here? The VW web-site says "Our website is an honest reflection of our cars" - are they really difficult to enter and impossible to navigate, or is it me?
Re: VW's web site - Pete
No, it's not just you. The site is attrocious.
Re: VW's web site - John
And they don't even have a "Contact us" button so you can tell them it's atrocious. They're not the only one. I've just been to the Skoda web site to ogle the Superb. The front page tells you that the web site allows you to look at the two models in the range - the Octavia and the little one. Despite this if you paddle around you'll find the Superb but eventually you get sent to the corporate web site. When you get there.. well you didn't actually want any FACTS did you ?

I think they want you to go into the dealer.

Re: VW's web site - Rob S
Not sure about the cars but it's an honest reflection of 2 out of the 3 dealers that I have had contact with in the last 10 months. Very unsatisfactory.
Re: VW's web site - Phil
But strangely the continental VAG sites are excellent and are worth visiting if you have a grasp of French/German etc.
Re: VW's web site - Steve
It is awful. I just went there to get a contact phone or email address but.......
Re: VW's web site - Paul C
On the subject of website, Renaults and Saabs are both very easy tonavigate, esp the used Saab section