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Road rage ... - ian (cape town)

On Friday night, there was a lot of activity in the main road outside my house. Sirens, screaching tyres, etc.
It now transpires that some low-life scum had beaten another two motorists senseless with a baseball bat, at 2am, about a mile down the road. apparently, he had been flashing at them to pass, on a windy section of road, and when they pulled aside, they flashed him back. He stopped, got out, and gave them a whacking.
The pond-spawn was driving a white golf, and as I read the story, I recall coming home a few hours earlier, and having some tw*t in a white golf first çhecking me out'at the traffic lights, and then, when I didn't floor the pedal in a boyish "dice"with him, tailgating me for about a mile with his brights on(where there was sufficient room to pass, on the dual carriageway), about 5 feet off my back bumper.
It seems obvious that some moron with a serious mental condition was just out for a trouble-making session... thank god I didn't rise to the neanderthal's bait, but I feel bad that somebody else was hurt.
Re: Road rage ... - Miller
I see plenty of this sort of behaviour every day on the roads, but the right thing to do is to bite your lip an try to ignore it, there are too many idiots out there just looking for an excuse to hurt someone.
Re: Road rage ... - Pat
Don't talk to me about nutters on the road! There's plenty round here (Vale of Evesham) on the lanes, easily spotted by the seemingly obligatory baseball cap(usually on backwards or sideways) and a facial appearance that suggests a limited gene pool.

Mainly drive Novas, Escorts or Golfs of a mature vintage usaully with extra lights, which, of course, have to be on at night. The drivers don't usually wear seat belts either, but that doesn't matter because it further reduces their life expectancy.

As for the bikers .................
Re: Road rage ... - Moosh
In the USA these young drivers, especialy m/cyclists are cruelly but truthfully nicknamed 'organ donors'.
Re: Road rage ... - David W

Vale of Evesham?

No worries about the Nova boys or bikers but what about the "oh look plums are cheaper at this fruit stall that the last one" brigade.

No looking in the mirror, no indicator and full use of ABS in the nice little Honda to keep it all together while hitting the gravel pull off at 40mph.

Re: Road rage ... - THe Growler

I empathize from Manila. Maybe you need a big truck like an F-150. I must confess I do respond to the tailgaters at night, when my patience is stretched beyond endurance with some fancy manoeuvering. I am still hoping to deliver at least one into a power pole one night and do my bit for local society. The baseball cap/excessive light fraternity are a lot worse when they carry guns, however.

What really pisses me off even more is the idiot who behaves like a lunatic under the mantle of presumed authority/superiority. I believe I mentioned the congressman who pulled a gun and killed a young lady driver at a local interesection when he thought she should give way for his driver (despite having the right of way herself) because of his gov't license plate. She had enough backbone but alas enough foolishness to to get out and remonstrate but he still shot her. What's more he's walking around free to this day.

So, to you in UK, it could get worse.....