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MARTYN! - ian (cape town)
It appears that Chris/Andrew's tranquilisers have worn off.
Can you administer some virtual sedative (or some virtual Euthanasia)?
Re: MARTYN! - Sherlock Holmes
If you want to get an injunction served on him his details are:-

4 Lovaine Avenue Town: North Shields Postcode: NE29 0BX
Telephone: 0191 258 5572

If anyone living abroad wants to have a chat with him please remember the time difference and don't ring him too late will you.

Elementary my Dear Watson(and a thousand other aliases)

Re: MARTYN! - Annoyed
Will BT stop being his ISP provider if a formal complaint is made?
Re: MARTYN! - Steve G
Looks like i touched a raw nerve ;-)
Re: 'ladas are slow' is NOT to blame. - richard turpin
Yes I did see the word nazi used by Chris, but I thought it was meant as a joke. It's rather misleading as the very next post was by HJ and was complimentary. It was only then that the prat remarks came.

However I thought, "Ladas are slow", that you had gone abroad?
Perhaps you broke down on the way seeing as how you are in a Lada. No wonder that you are a WALKER now.
Re: 'ladas are slow' is NOT to blame. - ladas are slow
it WAS a joke, seeing as andy bairsto is not even from germany, he is an englishman.
Re: MARTYN! - World Travel
I am on the West coast of the USA a lot, I might ring him up with some advice in the evenings when I have finished work.
Re: MARTYN! - alvin booth
I think you've had the gypsy's warning.
Behave yourself or I think Dad will be getting the stair rod out if the telephone starts ringing in the middle of the night.
Re: MARTYN! - markymarkn
Everyone order him a pizza and get it delivered to his house...

annoying! (but childish)

Re: MARTYN! - David W
Burning troll smells good though.

Re: MARTYN! - Martyn (Back Room moderator)
Posts deleted.
Re: MARTYN! - richard turpin
As a regular, more or less, contributor to this excellent site, I confess that I appear to have a problem. That is, I can't see why everone hates Chris Watson. Looking back a few posts, he really got it in the neck being called a prat etc. I just hope you don't decide to pick on me!!!
Re: MARTYN! - Martyn (Back Room moderator)
richard turpin wrote:
> As a regular, more or less, contributor to this excellent
> site, I confess that I appear to have a problem. That is, I
> can't see why everone hates Chris Watson. Looking back a few
> posts, he really got it in the neck being called a prat etc.
> I just hope you don't decide to pick on me!!!

Oddly enough, *I* haven't mentioned Chris Watson yet. However, he *has* given himself a history of poor behaviour here in the past, so it's hardly surprising that people think of him when someone else starts to play the idiot.
Re: MARTYN! - Rob Govier
am I at risk if I drive a high-mileage car??
'ladas are slow' is NOT to blame. - ladas are slow
i chris watson, have never been user 'andrew', i am only called 'ladas are slow'.
please stop from thinking that i am related to this person, as i am not.

(i am only 'ladas are slow' - 'ladas are cool' - 'thunder skin' - and anyname containing 'chris watson')
Re: 'ladas are slow' is NOT to blame. - Mark (Brazil)

You have only yourself to blame. I don`t know whether you posted those or not, in truth I didn`t even see them. But I don`t feel ay guilt about assuming you did.

And as for [I think] Richard - search back - fnd the note Martyn posted about that nice Chris Watson you feel sorry for sending abusive e-mails to others` work and personal e-mail accounts.

Search for the word nazi, only ever used once as an insult in this forum so far as I know. Search for his comments about Andy Bairsto and David Woollard.

If you had lived with his behaviour for a year or so, then you wouldn`t like him quite soooo much.

Re: 'ladas are slow' is NOT to blame. - Tomo
W"hat if someone uses the word"nazi" as a compliment?

And when do I get deleted, then, Martyn.
Re: 'ladas are slow' is NOT to blame. - Flat in Fifth
Also you will find him wishing that I get a killer virus.

Despite all this and the fact that I can relate to Mark (Brazil)'s post above I have learnt to ignore him,.......well almost.

David W, you will be relieved to hear that apparently my demob papers arrived in the post this morning acc SWMBO.

Mark, hope yours are there anyday now.
apology to mark and stuart B. - ladas are slow
i am sorry about what i have said in the past, i was a complete w**ker back in those days, i now see that i need to be nice to people, so if you accept my apology, i will NEVER call anybody any names or insult them ever again.
Re: apology to mark and stuart B. - Heard it all before.
Yet another lie, or to be generous your use of the past tense is mistaken.

You are a disgrace. Have you no pride?

I'll give you a ring in a few hours to discuss it.