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Dealer Showrooms - THe Growler
Yesterday, waiting to collect my Ford F150 at the local dealer following it's 5000 service I was struck by the opulence of the place. A brand new airy glass building, air-conditioned to icy levels (must cost a fortune with all that glass in 32 C temps), a workshop that looks more like an airport departure hall -- you drive straight in on to the ramp and there's not so much as an oily fingerprint in sight while a pretty young thing in an airline style uniform checks your vehicle in.

I was then directed to the lounge area. This includes a bar from which another oriental angel serves sandwichs and drinks (non-alky) FOC, today's papers, an internet area, a small movie theater showing (when I was there) Jackie Chan, and a play area for kids. Stood all around on the marble are gleaming examples of the Ford genre and one could be confused for imagining this was a hotel foyer with cars in it. Pride of place was taken by a Lincoln Navigator and a Jag, both in black with with doors open and reeking of leather. Plants and Mozart add to the visual and aural ambience.

Now, I wonder what all this puts on the bill. Down the road where I used to go with my Mitsubishi it was more like a dentisit's waiting room with chaps in greasy overalls handing you grubby invoices and a box containing any old bits removed from the vehicle during the service. You wanted a drink, there was a water cooler in the corner.

30 minutes, 2 fruit juices and the financial pages later, Miss Universe returned with my keys and the bill.

......does Ford do this elsewhere or only in the Philippines? It's very impressive but somehow I would be more reassured by a few erks wandering around with fags behind their ears and spanners poking out of their overall hip pockets......
Re: Dealer Showrooms - ian (cape town)
Errrr, Growler, didn't you write a while back about Ford taking a pummeling, losing all that money, and laying off thousands of people?

This showroom approach sounds like another great idea from the "consultants", doesn't it...
Re: Dealer Showrooms - JR
(done in a droney but strangley plesant voice)

"Thank you for visiting the (insert name here) Showroom and Service Centre Experience.
We hope you have enjoyed your visit and you had a plesant time having your car serviced.
Have a safe journey and a very nice day..."

It does seem that the "experience" has become more important than the actual quality of service. It costs a fortune and leaves me feeling that something is missing...

John R
Re: Dealer Showrooms - Dan J
John R wrote:
> It does seem that the "experience" has become more important
> than the actual quality of service. It costs a fortune and
> leaves me feeling that something is missing...

It's probably the new oil filter that should have been put on the car...
Re: Dealer Showrooms - THe Growler
Yes, Ford are new in the market here and have been trying to carve out share from the Japs. The Big 4 plus the Koreans have a stranglehold. My F150 cost me $4k less than it retails for in the States, and no it wasn't a locally assembled one, it clearly has the Kansas City factory code on the VIN. They seem to be after the upmarket spender as its all Expeditions, Club Wagons, Explorers, etc and I believe the new T-Bird (wow!) is on the way.

So I guess I've answered my own question.

Neither was the service "plastic" -- it was genuinely attentive as it usually is in Asia.

Can't wait for the 10k service now.
Re: Clocking on - Ronnie Courtney
"Can't wait for the 10k service now"


Judging by some of your fascinating tales about life in downtown Manila, surely you could easily have your pride and joy clocked - forwards that is! - rather like a friend of mine had done on his Valiant in Sydney to qualify for some tax free concession.

Re: Dealer Showrooms - Andrew T
Growler - this all sounds just like Fords of Winsford !!