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leak..mondeo V6 ghia X estate. - Dave Wright
I have previously posted about a leak I am having in a V6 1997 Ghia X estate.The view generally is that this could be coming in from either the n/s or o/s wings and were repairable with quite a bit of effort. The point where the pollen filter is fitted has also been mentioned as a place where water comes in.

It appears that neither areas are where the water is entering in this vehicles case.

The car is reversed into its parking space which is on an incline and is in the open. This means the car rests at a 10 degree angle. The water is accumulating in the rear O/S passenger footwell and to a lesser degree in the front passenger footwell. I am convinced the water is entering from the area of the bulkhead having first run off the windsreen and drained to a point where there is access into the passenger compartment. Has anyone any ideas where this point could be, or suggest an alternative to what I believe is taking place? The water is not coming in off the road, neither is it coming from the heater matrix. It is clear and is entering at a fairly rapid rate, which at the moment is due to the large amount of rain which has fallen in the south over the last few days.

It is almost like there is a drain from the outside of the vehicle straight into the interior which is being accentuated by the position that the car is left in.I feel sure that if the car was driven into its parking spot then water would drain away from the point of access and the problem would be no more. However I would rather find and repair this fault, than "make do". Any ideas??
Re: leak..mondeo V6 ghia X estate. - Bono Estente
Sounds like the problem I had with a Senator when the Sunroof drain system got blocked and overnight rain could result in 1/2in depth on parts of the carpet.
Re: leak..mondeo V6 ghia X estate. - Kevin

if you've asked the question here before and the usual folks couldn't help, it looks like you're gonna have to isolate the problem yourself.

Try using a sheet of plastic to cover bits of the bodywork, and blu-tac to block rain channels until you narrow down where it's coming from. Leaving rolls of newspaper or rags all around the suspect footwell (above the damp level) can also point you to the culprit.

Good luck and don't forget to let us know what you find.

Re: leak..mondeo V6 ghia X estate. - Mark (Brazil)
I`d agree with kevin.

A two-prong effort on the inside and the outside is probably best. Perhaps pieces of tissue paper left/stuck around the inside of the car to see which get wet would help.
Re: leak..mondeo V6 ghia X estate. - David W

My answer isn't Mondeo specific.

So often this is blocked drain points in the underbonnet area that surrounds the heater.

You should be able to lift the bonnet and direct a hose in this are to see it all run away, if not you need to clear the drains.

Re: leak..mondeo V6 ghia X estate. - Bono Estente
Yeah, simple technique guys, but could be effective. I
never thought of that at the time, and the smell of wet carpet was a big contributory factor in my scrapping the car - it was a Mk 1. I'd had the sills done by a welder for the MOT and I think that@s what resulted in the sunroof channel emptying on to the floor. Idiagnosed it in my head after the car had gone, which is why I can@t go into details.

I see Dave's got David W on the case now, so things are looking up

Good luck Dave.

Re: leak..mondeo V6 ghia X estate. - Derek
Not at all sure this will help. The washer pipe to the rear window repeatedly froze up on my Mondeo estate, then burst and leaked through the headling over the rear O/S footwell. That wouldn't explain the front passenger footwell, but I had a separate problem concerning that. In wet weather, especially after fast motorway runs, water semed to seep in under the door (the seal was wet).