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E-Mail in Brazil - Mark (Brazil)
Martyn - please feel free to delete after a couple of days...

We had a power cut on Monday. 70 million people with no electricity for half a day. We´ve got the electricity back, however systems here are still in disarray, so if anyone has been trying to e-mail me this week - I didn't receive it; I also have no way to know if the e-mails I have sent out arrived.

Re: E-Mail in Brazil - ian (cape town)
Mark (Brazil) wrote:
> I
> also have no way to know if the e-mails I have sent out
> arrived.
> Mark.

Well, they did.
You !
Re: E-Mail in Brazil - Mark (Brazil)
I know not of what you speak, Young Ian.


p.s. joined any good clubs recently ?
Re: E-Mail in Brazil - Eleanor Coughran
I wanted a neck massage, where were you when I need you?

Re: necking - Martyn, Back Room moderator
You shoulda asked me!
Re: E-Mail in Brazil - Martyn, Back Room moderator
Mark (Brazil) wrote:
> Martyn - please feel free to delete after a couple of days...

It will probably lapse into desuetude before long, and save me the effort!

> I also have no way to know if the e-mails I have sent out
> arrived.

The ones to me did, dated Wednesday.