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Amazing Astra - Chris M
Reading the latest news story makes me wonder what the service history of this car looks like. Has it had oil changes every 5,000 miles using Miller's or similar. Or has it had stuff Barry Mead picks up at the local spares shop for £2.99 a gallon?

Whatever the secret is of this cars long life, it would be educational.
Re: Amazing Astra - Darcy Kitchin
And what brand of fuel does it use?
Re: Amazing Astra - Slartibartfast
how many cam belt changes ?
Re: Amazing Astra - Moosh
What engine is this?

Is it the non turbo GM unit prior to the Isuzu ?
Re: Amazing Astra - wolf

did you go to school in dudley?
Re: Amazing Astra Questions Answered - Honest John
I called Barry and got the answers to most of your questions. They are now in the news item.

Re: Amazing Astra Questions Answered - Chris M
Thanks HJ.

I suppose it shows that if you drive a standard car in a sensible fashion, then basic oil changed frequently, works fine.
Re: Amazing Astra Questions Answered - Slartibartfast
Thanks HJ.....Excellent service.

Sorry Wolf did not go to Dudley school.....I'm just another 70s saddo.
Re: Amazing Astra - Richard P
I still have my 1994 mk3 1.7d Astra estate, a superb car. Mine only has 100K on the clock and has been 100% reliable over the 5 years I have had it. Mine is fitted with the slightly later 1.7DR engine which has an automatic cam belt tensioner and a revised airbox and inlet manifold with a EGR valve to reduce NOX emissions. I hope to get MANY more miles out of mine, I also have a Vectra DI 16v saloon (coincidence?!) and that has been superb to date, except for it still drinks about 0.5 litres of engine oil per 1K miles. Those NA GM engines are bulletproof!
Re: Amazing Astra - Honest John
Richard. Your Vectra may not be drinking oil. You may be overfilling it. See car by car breakdown.

Re: Amazing Astra - Richard P
Thanks HJ. Yes I have seen this in the car by car breakdown. I usually check the car when the engine is cold i.e. has been left for at least 3 hours. I have never checked the oil to find it overfilled when it has been topped up previously. This is of no major concern, but I assume it is just being burnt...which is what it should not be doing really! Maybe I should take the car back and demand they fit a longer dipstick! :) Good engine all the same, if a little noisy at times.