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GM Hummer (AGAIN!!!!!) - Nick Shirley
Posted yesterday, and just got a load of rubbish replies about a bluddy email adress, so only Hummer releated replies this time!

How much do they cost?

where Can i buy one in the UK?

If not in the UK, can i import one form somewhere?

Re: GM Hummer (AGAIN!!!!!) - ian (cape town)
Nick, go to www.hummer.com.
go to DEALERS.
I see they have dealers in France and Belgium, but not UK.
Good hunting!
Re: GM Hummer (AGAIN!!!!!) - David W

When there is more off-topic stuff than actual replies it usually means we haven't got a clue.

I remember you were last asking us in the Autumn for advice on a first car for £1000 so you could let Mum have her car back.

I just have a gut feeling the Humvee isn't going to fall into the budget. My guess was that they fetch £25,000+.

Have a look at www.humvee.net/

Re: GM Hummer (AGAIN!!!!!) - ian (cape town)
maybe he won the lottery?
Re: GM Hummer (AGAIN!!!!!) - Mark (Brazil)
Off Road Services - Hummer
Rua de la Clef, 15
4633 Melen

011 32 876 61532

Its the nearest dealer to you, but its in Belgium.

Re: GM Hummer (AGAIN!!!!!) - John S
This will really make you popular in Sainsbury's car park!


Re: GM Hummer (AGAIN!!!!!) - Brian W
Being totally ignorant on this beast, please can someone describe one for me.
Re: GM Hummer (AGAIN!!!!!) - David W
Look at the website Brian, amazing machine. Civvy version (Hummer) would just do Mark in Brazil/Chile.

Re: GM Hummer (AGAIN!!!!!) - Mark (Brazil)
Strangely I have never seen one in Brazil. There is one in Santiago, but I have only ever seen it in town, I've never seen it up in the mountains.
Re: GM Hummer (AGAIN!!!!!) - Alwyn
Like two jeep welded side by side. You will have seen them in Afghanistan news pics.
Re: GM Hummer (AGAIN!!!!!) - Kevin

A recent issue of Classic & Sports Car magazine had an article comparing the Hummer and a Lamborghini LM002, both UK owned.
I'll try and dig the article out tonight and see if values were quoted.

Re: GM Hummer (AGAIN!!!!!) - Randolph Lee
Repost from the old thread
is one of the largest US dealers

But GM has been showing a4/5 size version that will be a better fit on a normal road...
They call it the H2 and this flash site has full details on both versions
Re: GM Hummer (AGAIN!!!!!) - THe Growler
Rich playboys have some of the smaller Hummers in Manila. THey are neat. After the Gulf War Kuwait was full of left-behind ones, I often wondered what happened to those. I can recall the Mutawa, the Saudi religious police (milder version of the Taliban) fuming at large black ladies from the deep South driving these things during Desert Shield and Desert Storm, when of course women are normally banned from driving in Saudi Arabia. Of course you need the hood-mounted gun and the twin comms antennae, have it painted in desert camo with the inverted "V" on the side......
Re: GM Hummer (AGAIN!!!!!) - Honest John
This was the "click, click, click" car. Don King gave one to Frank Warren who couldn't understand why the car made a "click, click, click" noise as he drove it down suburban streets. It was the nois of the Hummer tearing door mirrors off parked cars. But this was before the days of the SVA, never mind the enhanced SVA, and unless someone can advise us to the contrary, I don't think a Hummer can be got through the test.

Re: GM Hummer (AGAIN!!!!!) - Kevin

I found the article in Classic & Sports Car magazine I mentioned earlier in the thread. It was the Jan 2002 issue (last month's) and the Hummer they compared to the LM002 was a '94 5-door stationwagon, quoted value £57K.
