Biodiesel - TimW
I've been looking into this but can't get a good answer, so can someone tell me:

Is it legal to use biodiesel in a car? (Once all duty is paid)
Is it cheaper to use biodiesel in a car? (Once all duty is paid)
Is it 'safe' to use biodiesel in a car? (Most likely Pug 306 HDI)
Is it possible to buy biodiesel as a member of 'Joe Public'?

Anything to save a few pennies - and I've heard it's better for the engine than 'Dino Diesel' although I don't know if it needs preheating like veggie oil does.

No doubt the good old Government will have made it a mission and not worth while to use it, but I'd like to try - I like diesels, just not the fact that it's more expensive than petrol! (Which is a joke given that it is a 'waste product', technically)
Biodiesel - Armitage Shanks {p}
Discussed at length at

Tesco were selling something they called biodisel a few months ago, 1p a litre more than 'normal' stuff but I haven't seen it for a while and I didn't use enough to detect any benefit or otherwise
Biodiesel - mfarrow
The problem is that "biodiesel" can mean anything from 100% to 5% acutal biodiesel content, hence be wary how "green" it is when buying.