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VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - darren sass
I am contemplating buying a used 2001 Vectra LS. Is it worth paying an extra £300 for a 2.2 LS as opposed to a 1.8?

I appreciate that the larger engined car will cost more to run and insure, but is the new 2.2 engine considered to be more reliable (cambelts etc) than the 1.8 Ecotec?

I have read the car-by-car breakdown and know that HJ does not recommend these cars, but I rather like them.

Any advice would be greatly received.
Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - Andy P
I've had four Vauxhalls in the past and when I got rid of the last Cavalier, I was looking to buy a Vectra. Tried the 2.2SRi - horrible! One of the most uncomfortable cars I have even driven! Instead. I got a much better, much more exclusive Accord 2.0SE, 2000W with 11K for less than 9.5K, complete with remaining 3-yr warranty. Much better car, and I bet it won't break down.

Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - T lucas
For my money it would be just about anything other than Vauxhall,total junk.
Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - Richard P
The thing with the SRI is the stiffened suspension and big alloys, which makes the ride rather harsh and crashy. The 'normal' Vectra's ride quite nicely.
Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - Richard P
Just out of interest, have you looked at the DTI turbo diesel? I have one of these, and preferred it over the 1.8 petrol. A cracking engine and I average 49mpg with exceptional performance too.
Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - Honest John
The 2.2 is a chain-cam engine, which is in its favour. But think seriously before you buy the same car as the Dursleys.

Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - darren sass
I know they treated Harry cruelly but I'm sure they're not all bad!
Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - Tomo
You only live once. This makes boredom very cheap, and fun very dear, but cheap at the price. So, if you are going to spend some substantial part of the day with one device or another, and have a say in the choice....?
Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - pete
Chap at work is on is 2nd 1.8 vectra he's happy with his, as a passenger with him i was rather impressed on the motor way. He moved from fords after many visets to the garage.
Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - alvin booth
The vectra is a brilliant car. How can so many scores of thousands of buyers be wrong.As regards engines the DTi is an absolute gem with a regular 49mpg.
It pulls strongly from less than 1000rpm without having to constantly change gear.
Brakes and steering outstanding, driving position good. The critics were saying the same things about the cavalier when it came out. But the buying public took about the same notice as they did from "JD power", "What Car" and the rest of the pundits and motoring experts who voted cars such as Fiat as the car of the year I recall.
Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - Keith
There are only loads of Vectras because Vauxhall offer large fleet discounts compared to other manufacturers.

Most company drivers don't have a choice of what they drive and the company accountant decides on the lowest cost practical option.

I hope you are not going for an old shape model when you could have a Modeo or Passat.
Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - Keith
There are only loads of Vectras because Vauxhall offer large fleet discounts compared to other manufacturers.

Most company drivers don't have a choice of what they drive and the company accountant decides on the lowest cost practical option.

I hope you are not going for an old shape model when you could have a Mondeo or Passat.
Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - Ben Chapman
It isnt brilliant. Generally it is an unreliable car. The ride, and particularly the handling, are well below the best in that class.

Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - Richard P
I would have to agree with Alvin here. I have had my TD 'W' reg Vectra a year now and have done nearly 20,000 miles in it. Not a 'high mileage' I must admit, but it has been absolutely flawless. Starts instantly even when the temperature is done as low as minus 7C (last week!) and returns on average 49mpg. The lowest has been 45mpg.
Good roadholding...I do occasionally 'throw it about' a bit and after driving many Mondeos and Pug 406's (on business -company and hire cars) I can say it is easily on a similar level to them as far as refinement, roadholding and comfort go.
Put it this way...I am 23, had about 12K to spend an a car and I chose the Vectra after test driving many differnet cars including the VW Golf Tdi 110, Passat Tdi 110 (Both wallow like a jelly on the bends!), Pug 406 - Very nice car actually, it came a close second and the Seat Leon and Toledo. However the Vectra on balance offered the best spec and the lowest insurance group of the lot! Only group 8 compared to 11 for the 406 2.0 HDI! The car which was 6 months old with 7K on the clock was £9.5k, a bargain for a fully loaded car with metallic paint which has run like clockwork.
So a very happy customer overall! What bl**dy annoys me is people who have never driven the car and always believe people like Clarkson, who to be honest have NO credibility whatsoever and just slate it off.
Anyway, everyone to their own I guess, but I personally know many happy Vectra owners.
Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - Graham
1.8 GLS 75k miles 98 R FSH S/R Alloys A/C metallic silver 35MPG (driven hard)= £3.5k had it for 2 months, headlights a bit of a pig to change, done 3k on motorways A's B's packed snow, Love it!!!!!!! Handels better than Laguna / 406 etc of same age!!! Got Vaxhaull to do Cam belt and pully as soon as I bought it. At this price soooo much motor for sooo little cash, saw a 95 MkIII golf driver 1.8 55k etc for £5000 the next day how I laughed! I love HJ, Clarkson & co for talking thse cars down = great price. 2.0DTi worth a look!!
Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - Dan J
darren sass wrote:
> I am contemplating buying a used 2001 Vectra LS. Is it worth
> paying an extra £300 for a 2.2 LS as opposed to a 1.8?

No contest. I looked at many nearly new cars when forced to replace my Cavalier recently. I didn't think I would but I ended back in Vauxhall's stable.

I have driven several 1.8's as hire cars and think they have a very comfortable interior, are pleasant to drive and also very economical. Would not buy one however as I have a phobia of cam-belts.

I test drove a 2.2 and fell in love immediately. The engine is the same as fitted to the VX220 and the one which will be fitted to the new Vectra. It is chain-cam so no worries there. It is really free-revving, has a fantastic engine note above 3000rpm and accelerates like you would not believe. The car is also unbelievably smooth and is virtually silent whilst idling. The engine fitted to the car is a different class entirely from the 1.8 and if you have any doubts I recommend you give both options a test-drive to see the difference. Since I bought the car I have had to stop myself keep going out for "leisure" drives in it as I've been enjoying it so much!

I agree with Richard and Alvin that all those who insist the car is dreadful have never been a passenger in one, let alone driven it. The car compares very well against the pre 2001 Mondeo and I know of various Vectra owners from different walks of life who love their cars!

Best of luck
Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - Honest John
Well I've driven my share of Vectras, including track prepared examples, and all of them understeered excessively.

Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - David Nicholls
go for the 2.2, yep it uses a bit more fuel but the engine is bang up to date, all alloy, low maintenance, no cambelts to worry about. I've had two Vectra's now, a 98R 2.0Di, did 113k in 3 years no real probs (well ok gearbox went at 80K and main oil seal at 85k). have now got a 2.2 SRi, now done 36k in 10 months, engine purrs along allday at 85-90 ish, does 34 on a long run, and i use the full revs when needs must. you can pick up a 2001 Y plater for 9-10k at a supermarket.

dont lkisten to those who slag them off....Fleet awards say enough about its reliability to prove its no lemon. Not the most dynamic car in the world, but how many A&B roads can you honestly and safely push a car on these days. for motorway manners the Vectra takes some beating. every MOndeo I've ever driven has felt very fidgetty on the steering, just to tiring on a 400 mile trip thank you.
Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - Dan J
My sentiments exactly! I am proud to stand up and say I own a Vectra (2.2, though my insurance was a little too high to allow an SRi so on an LS but still a beautiful engine and car).

The car does understeer, I don't dispute that for a moment, but virtually every front wheel drive car I have ever driven does to some extent. You try pushing a Focus round a country bend then lifting off the throttle - you'll lose the back end big style and up through a wall, I don't call that brilliant handling. If you really want perfectly balanced handling buy a Lotus/VX220/Ferrari or whatever! I spend 90% of my car time either on the motorway at high speed or sat in a bl**dy traffic jam and I'd be hard pushed to find a nicer or more relaxed car to be in whilst I am doing it for the money.
Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - John S

I'd agree - I had a 2.0SRi as my company car for 4 years and 80k miles. Virtually nothing went wrong, never let me down, and it was great on fuel - you can get 40 on a long run if you don't go mad, and average was over 35.

Not the greatest handler, but far better than, shall we say a rolly -polly 'executive' Saab. Great motorway cruiser, and built to last and free of rattles, unlike a few Fords I've owned. (Comment from the garage at trade-in - 'I looked at the car and the interior and though it was a 40thousand miler - had a shock when I saw twice that on the speedo') Like you I chose it over the Mondeo because it felt more stable, having driven both as renters.

I have always been amazed that it does so badly in the JD Power survey, and so well in the Fleet user surveys - those fleet users run a lot of cars and are paying the bills. Come to that how many do you see on the hard shoulder? No one where I worked had any Vectra problems, and they generally were better on fuel than the Mondeos.


Re: VECTRA 1.8 OR 2.2 - fred bear
I would counsel against buying any Vectra. Its by far the worst car I have had in the last ten years when I have had Sierra, Cavalier, Rover 214 and Saab 9-5.
My 1998 CDX 2.0 had a long list of faults in three years and 60k. Those I can remember - air bag warning light stayed on permanently (twice) needing new loom, milometer packed in, seat back seams popped open three or four times (including on delivery) and needed the body shop who had a knack of "re-zipping" them together, air con broke, speakers needed replacing (twice), side rubbing strip/door trim fell off, used oil (although could be the 16v Vauxhall false reading problem), noisy idle (never resolved), interior trim around mirror housing dropped off. I am sure there were others - at one stage there were six faults at once and - would you believe- it took six visits to the useless main dealer to resolve.
Odd thing was it was a company car and when it was sold on the prospective buyer called me and I told him all this and he bought it. Nowt as queer as folk!