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Speed camera lies exposed on TV - Alwyn
Hello folks,

This appears on ITV Teletext Page 147 today 5th Jan; letter no. 8 under the heading ?Fatal flaw in car curb moves?

Dear Editor,

Would readers who believe that speed cameras and traffic calming save lives please explain why, with a crackdown on speeding and rigid enforcement of speed limits in their areas, in the past year, Lincolnshire has seen a 16% rise in fatalities, Essex has a 49% rise and Suffolk has seen a 75% increase.

Yours faithfully

Alwyn Davies.

Another blow struck for the truth.
Re: Speed camera lies exposed on TV - crazed idiot
well done
Re: Speed camera lies exposed on TV - Alwyn
Cheers. Interesting to note that you were the only one who cares enough to respond.
Re: Speed camera lies exposed on TV - Pete
HEY !!!! Give us a chance !!! Some of us have to work on a Saturday !!!!

Never the less, "Well said"
Re: Speed camera lies exposed on TV - Kev
Hear hear. Im a [sad] avid readerof all the letter pages on tv, its funny how bbc dont have letters like that on........... Did you send one to them too? Before christmas there was quite a debate on speed cameras. See what replies you get from car haters.


P.S I was at work too, went out on tesco home delivery vans. Went into Derbyshire and got stuck. Rather amusing. Ford Transits are crap!! No power, no grip!! And stalls very easily!!

P.P.S We did eventually free ourselves, by finding a solid bit of ground to start us [going up a hill you see] and kept it very slow and very steady. As everyone knows you should do.............
Re: Speed camera lies exposed on TV - Alwyn
My Volvo is crap in the slippy stuff too.

I had wheel spin of level ground the other day: it was coated with 2 inches of ice but I virtually had to take my shoes off so that the throttle could be presssed ever so gently to move the thing.

Anyone else have trouble with slippy Volvos?
Re: Speed camera lies exposed on TV - Alwyn
Sorry Pete,

This site is so fast moving that messages often fly off the bottom of the screen pronto.

Take care
Re: Speed camera lies exposed on TV - Andrew T
Alwyn - what is truth, exactly? - especially in this context?
Re: Speed camera lies exposed on TV - Andy
Surely the 'truth' is that infesting the roads with lower-than-necessary limits and cash cameras is counter productive. If ALL road users (including pedestrians, who seem to think it's OK to wander out in front of approaching traffic) were given the facts and training about stopping distances, distance judgement and danger awareness, we might see a genuine reduction in accidents.
As long as the government, anti-car groups and the police try to blame all road deaths on speed, we will see little improvement. We will also see rising anger and resentment among drivers, who feel unfairly targetted.
Re: Speed camera lies exposed on TV - Andrew T
Andy - surely you would agree that most pedestrians are drivers some of the time, and vice versa. Nearly all of them should have some idea about stopping distances. It's just that lots of people are Jekyll/Hyde, depending on whether there is a steering wheel in their hand(s).

On the accident/speeding cause/effect, I don't know of anyone who says simply that speed causes accidents, but I defy you to claim that accidents don't have worse consequences at higher speeds.
Re: Speed camera lies exposed on TV - Andy
Here we go again. Of course accidents have more serious consequences at higher speeds, but does that mean that we should all drive at 30, 20, 10mph? How slow do we have to go to please the 'zero road-deaths' brigade?
Around here, many roads that were for many years limited to 40 or 50 (by real road engineers who understood their subject) are now crippled with ridiculous 30 limits, imposed by politically motivated 'liberals' who think that slowing down is the answer to everything. These are wide roads with grass verges between the traffic and the pavement - 50 mph is just fine, and believe it or not, drivers tend to slow down in poor conditions.
Not only have they slapped these stupid limits on the roads, they've narrowed the roads from two lanes in each direction to one, so it's impossible to pass the bus at the front of the queue.
Re: Speed camera lies exposed on TV - Andy
Oops -forgot to refer you back to Alwyns post at the top of this thread - fatalities increased in areas with speed camera infestation.