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Vehicle slams into driver's testing office - Randolph Lee
Elderly man charged for Saanich accident
Vehicle driven into window of driver services office

Thursday, January 03, 2002

Vehicle slams into driver's testing office.

SAANICH, B.C. - The elderly man who drove his car into the Saanich driver services branch on Wednesday has been charged.

The man was attempting to pass his driving re-examination when he lost control of his car.

"(The incident began) as he was reversing into a parking spot," explained Constable Marc Chateau of the Saanich RCMP. "I believe he hit the gas instead of the brake pedal at which time the car he was driving knocked back a door of the vehicle that was next to him. Then the car jumped the little sidewalk and broke the window on the motor vehicle branch."

The man has been charged with ?reverse when unsafe,? which is a $98 fine under the Motor Vehicle Act.

The incident marked the third time the man failed his driving exam.

Two people sustained minor injuries as a result of the accident.
Re: Vehicle slams into driver's testing office - David W
Automatic I assume?

Re: Vehicle slams into driver's testing office - Tom Shaw
At Southend test centre in Essex a few years ago, a candidate who was parking at the end of his test hit the gas instead of the brake and went through the fence at the back of the car park and into the stream that ran just behind it. The incident actually made the TV news that evening, and the female examiner claimed that by the time she got to the dual brake the car was in mid air and the brakes had no effect.

I do not recall what the result of the test was, but an educated guess suggests that the candidate had to take another one.
Re: Vehicle slams into driver's testing office - peter todd
when you took your HGV test at Reading goods testing station in the mid 80s you had to reverse the trailer into a bay & stop with the rear of the trailer in a 36" wide box painted on the tarmac. Mr Doogan the examiner always parked his car sideways against the fence a couple of yards after the box, you were warned that to reach the furthest edge of the box would be a fail and to carry on towards the car would mean that you stood no chance of passing any retests either!
Re: Vehicle slams into driver's testing office - Randolph Lee
What I found amazing was that they let this old chap keep trying to get his permit back... you would think at some point they would say to him it was time to hang it up... I hope I have good enough friends when the time comes as I doubt I will see it in my self...
