98 Mondeo air-con smell. - Imagos
My 1998 v6 Mondeo has developed a nasty smell when switched on (not all the time though). The nearest thing i can describe what it is like is a burning clutch or binding brakes.

It's still getting as cold as it should be so it's working ok ,also i've had a good sniff under the bonnet and can't smell it there so haven't a clue what it could be?

Any idea? TIA.
98 Mondeo air-con smell. - elekie&a/c doctor
check the heater fan blower resistor and connector plug for overheating/burning.Located just behind glove box.resisitor & plug/wiring available from Ford ;approx £15 the lot.
98 Mondeo air-con smell. - Imagos
Many thanks for that i'll investigate tomorrow.
98 Mondeo air-con smell. - Imagos
Well i didn't do the right think and investigate now the inevitable has happened. On way home tonight with air con blower on full smoke started coming out of screen vents, i quickly shut down fan and air con and stopped on side of the road, i ripped out glove box to see the plug that goes into blower fan has completely melted also 1 of the wires, the insulation had melted too.

Mow what do i do? fan or aircon dont work anymore and plug is melted into socket all in a fairly difficult place to access.

i can see a big bill coming up.

ok so i've got to replace pug and wiring and maybe the fan too but what causes it to melt in the first place??

over to you elekie doctor..

many thanks.
98 Mondeo air-con smell. - elekie&a/c doctor
The job is not as bad as it looks.Once the glove box is removed access to the resistor & wiring is easy.I doubt whether the fan motor is u/s.Take it to an electrical specialist,the job should take approx 45 mins.It is a very common problem caused by excess heat build up on plastic terminal block.Also a good idea to get pollen/cabin filter replaced.A blocked filter could restrict the flow of air across resistor.
98 Mondeo air-con smell. - Imagos
thank you doctor, done a bit of a google and came up with this


eased up on the stressing now although i genunily thought car was going up in flames.. it was quite a bit of smoke!

thanks for help
98 Mondeo air-con smell. - Dave N
Last one I came across, Ford footed 50%.