Scenic 51 reg dci 28000 miles
When driving in a straight line, there is a noise coming from the rear, driver's side wheel. Hard to describe, sort of cross between rattle and squeak.
It disappears when i turn, either left or right.
Tyre recently had a puncture fixed.
Any thoughts?
Checked the wheel nuts?
Could be wheel arch liner, Renaults are bit weak on the exhaust pipe hangers, could even be interior fittings (body flexes when it goes round corner and noise goes)
RF, having problems with my blueyonder mail, just got your reply., will check out your suggestions.
Not catching a mudflap by any chance? Had a similar problem with a Clio - usually going down hill on hard lock. Looks very much like something that's been disturbed when puncture was repaired.
Has it got wheel trims? Have you tried taking them off temporarily to see if that makes a difference?
Have the brake backplates been nipped?
Shock absorber mountings?
I don't know the Scenic layout but older Renaults had torsion bar suspension at the back and the bearings in the tube tended to wear giving odd squeaks and rattles.Big job to fix.
Check the driveshafts ok this is one of the technical notes released for the senic.
Has this problem been going forever as there a tech note for the replacment of some washers (under warently) which can be a problem?
Not knowing the motor have you got wheel trims or has it alloys?
It is alloys and I think I may have found the problem. The security bolt seems to have a "ring" around it that can move. Presumably this is to protect the bolt and ensure the correct security nut goes over it. I have sprayed with WD40 and will try it tomorrow.
Thanks for suggestions, I will keep you updated with progress.
No noise today.......... so far!