I've seen a couple of adverts for tyre pressure indicators recently. One type has a transducer inside the tyre and transmits the pressure reading and tyre wall temperature to the controller in the car. That seems quite a good system.
The second works via valve caps with a visible pressure indicator, cost about £15 per set of four. I can imagine losing all four very frequently. Has anyone else seen something I've missed regarding securing them?
All clever stuff, but I read a test in a (motorbike!) magazine and the Halfords tyre pressure gauge came out very well, it's about £12? And while you're checking your tyre pressures you can also have a quick look at the treads and check for anything stuck in them or any bulges on the tyres. Not something a transducer can do!
I've seen the valve caps tested and they seem to work well, but as you say it's anyone's guess how long they'll stay there.