Ive never understood why car manufacturers at best, or after market security firms at worst have never adopted a seat locking system as opposed to a steering wheel lock. If youre able to lock the seat hard up against the wheel the car is impossible to drive, period. It shouldnt be beyond the wit of any company worth its salt to invent a simple system of rails or bars to allow a seat to be pulled forward and locked either to a hook in the vicinity of the steering wheel or to allow a locking mechanism to be activated in the seat guide rail to prevent it being moved back. I can only imagine that the reason they dont adopt such a simple and effective solution is because making cars impossible to steal is bad for sales figures.
As for the Krooklok, yes I had one. Fitted it to my Ford Escort Mark Two between steering wheel and brake pedal, drove off having forgotten to remove it (obviously not quite orange enough to make it conspicuous), went to apply the brakes and of course the pedal was locked tight. Handbrakes sometimes come in VERY handy.