Renault Scenic - parking in council car park - ShirleyTemple

I was late for an appointment - dashed into the dentist and asked the junior to put 2 hours parking on my car and gave her £1 coin. She came back with my car keys and had put ticket on. When I had returned to the car (after dentist and shopping) I had a parking ticket - because the amount for 2 hours should have been £1.10p - as the machine did not give change (it said this on the meter) the girl did not realise the ticket was only for l hour not 2 hours as I wasn't given change I didn't realise it either. I explained all this and said I never knowingly park without paying , this was a genuine mistake - but they just said I should have known and read the meter instructions myself. In discussing this with others some said just do not pay and you will get 6 or 7 letters from debt collection agencies and eventually they will stop. Others say pay up or don't pay and go to court. The fine has already increased from £50 to £75 - with a threatening letter about bailiffs. In checking on line I found that I could appeal "if the penalty charge exceeded the amount applicable in the circumstances". Having, in error, paid £1 I have been fined £50 (now £75) for an underpayment of 10p !!

This has nothing to do with easing traffic conditions etc. -- it appears to me to besimply about raising revenue by denying my appeal -- and I thought the regulations explicitly forbid raising revenue...... Advice please as to what I should do ?

Renault Scenic - parking in council car park - Bromptonaut

The seven letters and ignore routine is suggested for private car parks. Councils have power to enforce with bailiffs. They WILL use that power and you'll end up paying a lot more than is suggested now.

The phrase about the 'Penalty Charge exceeded the amount applicable in the circs' is concerened with cases where Council tries to charge more than the traffic order permits.

I know it's frustrating and perhaps the Council should have exercised some discretion but the rules were broken. If you still have time to appeal to the Traffic Penalty Tribunal its just remotely possible that they might tell the Council ot should have exercised discretion but that's a long shot.

My advice is pay up and put it behind you.

Renault Scenic - parking in council car park - Dwight Van Driver

I'm with B above ^^^^^^^^^

If it is a Council Park then 10 2 1 there will be a statutory Off road Parking Ordert to enforce infringements. Decision of LA sems a bit harsh but they are entitled to do so as rules were not followed, IF you feel lucky why not try an appeal to the Adjudicator with a statement from Dizzy. Nothing ventured nothging gained.?????
