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MK 6 2002 Fiesta Zetec - Ford fiesta radio code - comp88

Hi All,

We need a radio code for serial M032096. We have a code in the booklet 4803 however; my partner has attempted to put this in and it told her to wait 30 minutes? any help is appreciated.

MK 6 2002 Fiesta Zetec - Ford fiesta radio code - Galaxy

That is, indeed, the correct code for the given serial number.

Where did you get the serial number from? If it was out of the handbook then I would suggest that you pull the radio out of the dash in order to read the serial number from the label that's on the radio iteself. Car handbooks can and do get swapped around. So do car radios.

The "Wait 30 minutes" suggests that you have attempted to enter the wrong code too many times, or the correct code incorrectly. It might have permanently locked the radio, but suggest you try what I've suggested first.

Make sure you enter the code correctly.

MK 6 2002 Fiesta Zetec - Ford fiesta radio code - comp88


I input the code then press 5 as i have been told to do and this just locks it back up again. The stereo is in 3 seperate pieces on my ford fiesta so how can i check the serial number? Is pressing 5 on the mk6 fiesta the correct way to enter it?

MK 6 2002 Fiesta Zetec - Ford fiesta radio code - elekie&a/c doctor

You are using the correct procedure,but the code you have is incorrect for the radio fitted.Press buttons 2 and 6 together,this may display the M and 6 digit serial number.If this does not work,then the radio will need to be removed from the dash.Not too easy on these 3 tier systems.(it is actually a 1 piece radio made to look like 3 bits).

MK 6 2002 Fiesta Zetec - Ford fiesta radio code - comp88


It is M115699. Thank you for your help, can anyone provide this code?

As always, your help is appreciated

MK 6 2002 Fiesta Zetec - Ford fiesta radio code - Galaxy

Try 2422

MK 6 2002 Fiesta Zetec - Ford fiesta radio code - comp88


It worked, cheers

MK 6 2002 Fiesta Zetec - Ford fiesta radio code - Adamone993


I'm having the exact problem, I took the head unit out to see if there was a code on the back of it, which there was 1097 but I do not think this is the correct code as I am now locked out for 30 mins,

Any possibility that some coold provide a code for it?

The serial number is :M098508

Many thanks Adam

MK 6 2002 Fiesta Zetec - Ford fiesta radio code - elekie&a/c doctor

looks like 4839

MK 6 2002 Fiesta Zetec - Ford fiesta radio code - saee

I am having a similar problem. I recently had a new clutch fitted that needed my car battery to be disconnected, which has resulted my radio to be locked. I cannot find the manual for my car, however pressing 6 & 2 together I have found the code

The code is M032467

Could you possibly provide a code for this vehicle?

It's a Ford Fiesta Zetec 02 plate.

Many thanks

MK 6 2002 Fiesta Zetec - Ford fiesta radio code - elekie&a/c doctor

looks like it should be 2054

MK 6 2002 Fiesta Zetec - Ford fiesta radio code - hinky

is there anyone out there who could help me please, i have the same issue, the serial number is M013758

MK 6 2002 Fiesta Zetec - Ford fiesta radio code - Galaxy

The code for your radio should be 0547

MK 6 2002 Fiesta Zetec - Ford fiesta radio code - Bozmantate
My code is M665678 if anyone can help?

Thanks in advance.
MK 6 2002 Fiesta Zetec - Ford fiesta radio code - nicole2308

Hi Im trying to find out the activation code for my ford feista but I have no book my serial number is M097792 can anyone help ?


MK 6 2002 Fiesta Zetec - Ford fiesta radio code - Galaxy


The keycode for your radio should be: 7177