Renault clio 2010 1.5dci - Consumer Rights Act Query - Steve78

Hi all. Pretty quick question

Got a second hand clio a couple of weeks ago. Within a few days it threw up an oil pressure fault. It has been back with the trader for the last week while he attempts to have it repair. Today I text him for an update and also floated the prospect of a right to reject refund if it cannot be fixed.

In his reply he started listing deductions he would make to any refund (£25 for née logbook, valet, advertising and use I have had.

Question 1) is he within his right to deduct said amount if I reject the car within the 30 days?

Question 2) I have a feeling he's stretching out the time he has the car for repairs so that it goes beyond or near to the 30 day right to reject window. Do the days that he has physical possession of the car count or are they deducted from the 30 days timeframe?

Really don't know what to do as I'd frankly rather have the car, but I'm starting to get concerned about this guy not honoring my legal right, if I have interpreted them correctly

Renault clio 2010 1.5dci - Consumer Rights Act Query - Falkirk Bairn

How many miles have you done?

A few miles makes no difference to the car value.

He cannot charge valet, adverts etc you for returning the car because it has a fault he cannot rectify.

Demand the money back.

You did not change your mind - the car had a serious fault and you are handing it back. If the car was OK you would be keeping it. YOU are not at fault - the car he sold you was faulty.

Renault clio 2010 1.5dci - Consumer Rights Act Query - leaseman

Your right to reject the car under the CRA (Consumer Rights Act) lasts for 6 months, not 30 days.

Demand a full refund of what you paid. Do it in writing or email.

If the trader refuses, immediately contact the Trading Standards Department covering the locality of the dealer. Job done.

Renault clio 2010 1.5dci - Consumer Rights Act Query - Falkirk Bairn

Old fashioned letter sent by Recorded Delivery.

Proof they received it and keep a copy of the letter you send in a File. Correspondence can be wearisome but yu are wanting a refund on faulty goods and sometimes it takes time.

Renault clio 2010 1.5dci - Consumer Rights Act Query - elekie&a/c doctor
CRA 2015 . Right to reject is 30 days.
Renault clio 2010 1.5dci - Consumer Rights Act Query - Brit_in_Germany

The 30 day clock stops if returned to the dealer for repair and starts again when the car is returned to you.

Renault clio 2010 1.5dci - Consumer Rights Act Query - Steve78

That's what I thought but wasn't sure. Thanks for that crucial element. Much appreciated

Renault clio 2010 1.5dci - Consumer Rights Act Query - Brit_in_Germany

There is the 30 day right to reject under section 22 and the six months final right to reject under section 24. For the latter, money can be dectucted based on the use of the vehicle but not for the former.

Renault clio 2010 1.5dci - Consumer Rights Act Query - pd

Your right to reject the car under the CRA (Consumer Rights Act) lasts for 6 months, not 30 days.

Demand a full refund of what you paid. Do it in writing or email.

If the trader refuses, immediately contact the Trading Standards Department covering the locality of the dealer. Job done.

Trading Standards will have little interest in a civil case which this is. They'd only usually be interested if the car is dangerous, missold etc.

In truth your right to reject on a 14 year old Clio is very short and needs to be something very serious. In this case I think it would apply but don't go buying 14 year old cars thinking you have 6 month rejection right for much at all. You haven't.