A car that a man from Ukraine needs for work. - Ievgen

Good afternoon to all forum members. My name is Eugene. My daughter and I, 11 years old, fled from Ukraine to England, a missile hit our house, we had to leave. We lived in Kharkov. I worked as a director of a car dealership. The car dealership is not working now. We rent an apartment. I am not hired, because I can not legally leave my daughter alone at home, she is not 13 years old, and employers need people who will work until 7 pm. It's very hard for me and my daughter now, we lack finances. I found a job in delivery, but need a car to work. I wanted to ask all the participants if anyone can help me and my daughter. We need a car, maybe someone has an extra one or doesn't drive one. We need a car for a while, until I buy my own. Or who can suggest who to contact, websites, groups. My daughter and I would appreciate it. I am out of work right now, and our money situation is difficult. Please, everyone, don't be indifferent. I don't care about myself, I just want my daughter to be well. Maybe someone knows some charitable organizations that can help. I hope for your help. Have a good day, everyone. Thank you

A car that a man from Ukraine needs for work. - leaseman

You need to tell us approximately where your apartment in England is OP and a Forum Member may know of a local Charity that would assist you.

A car that a man from Ukraine needs for work. - Xileno

Also check out local Facebook groups. The town where I live has an active one for assisting people from Ukraine finding all sorts of things such as furniture. Someone might have or know of a car.

A car that a man from Ukraine needs for work. - Ievgen

Thank you very much. I'll keep looking

A car that a man from Ukraine needs for work. - Ievgen

Tunbridge Wells, Kent

A car that a man from Ukraine needs for work. - leaseman

I have hidden the last post as, I feel, without knowing the full circumstances of the OP, it could be well off the mark.

leaseman (mod)

A car that a man from Ukraine needs for work. - mickyh7

The last post was a fair question.

Things shouldn't be hidden in case they cause offence.

I know I'd be fighting for my country.

We are all grown ups and understand war.

A car that a man from Ukraine needs for work. - Xileno

The circumstances by which the OP is in the UK are irrelevant. He has asked for help in sourcing a car and some advice given. That being the case I see nothing further of value to the thread so locking it.
