Renault Captur - Insurance question - Chris mac

I had a slow bump with a parked car a couple of weeks ago, the other party agreed to handle the costs of some minor repairs between us without involving the insurance.

The guy agreed to take 200 for the work that needed to be done which i paid yesterday but today he's contacted me demanding another 50 or he will make a claim.

I have no idea if this is legal, or if I should pay him more, or if him taking the originally agreed amount means that should be the end of it.

Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any advice in either direction.

Renault Captur - Insurance question - Xileno

Ask to see the bill and if it says £250 then fair enough pay up.

Probably calling your bluff. Unlikely to want all the hassle and future insurance renewal declaration for such a modest sum.

Renault Captur - Insurance question - Chris mac

The bill quoted by the agreed mechanic was 250 I find out this morning, however the other party had also cancelled the work with the garage once the agreed sum had been paid.

It's not so much the amount, its the fact that they had agreed to 200, which was paid and accepted and then come back asking for more that's the sticking point. If they accepted a certain amount and took it shouldn't that be the end of it?

Thanks for the reply!

Edited by Chris mac on 02/08/2023 at 11:41

Renault Captur - Insurance question - Maxime.

Tell him to claim and you will tell the insurance company you have already settled for £200, but first of all you had a small bump. not claiming for yourself and you agreed to settle in cash.

Renault Captur - Insurance question - madf

Tell him to claim and you will tell the insurance company you have already settled for £200, but first of all you had a small bump. not claiming for yourself and you agreed to settle in cash.

Will affect your renewal.

Renault Captur - Insurance question - sammy1

Are you saying he is not getting his car repaired and just pocketing your cash? Tell him to get lost he has as much to lose by making a claim, a no fault is also a marker on his

Renault Captur - Insurance question - Brit_in_Germany

Why should he not pocket the cash? Damage was caused which would cost the agreed amount to put right but the owner is choosing instead to not have it repaired, or have it repaired at a later date. Cash in lieu of repair was (at least) quite normal.

Renault Captur - Insurance question - Xileno

Part of me thinks tell them to stick it - but there are benefits to both parties from keeping the insurance out of it. That's the line I would take.

They are most likely just bluffing but you never know.

I'm assuming the £200 figure was agreed before the bodyshop inspected the car. Risky as it doesn't take much for the £££ to add up.

I might consider meeting halfway at £225. If still no go then I think I would reluctantly give the extra £50 but I would want something in writing that it is a final agreed settlement.

Renault Captur - Insurance question - Andrew-T

The guy agreed to take 200 for the work that needed to be done which i paid yesterday but today he's contacted me demanding another 50 or he will make a claim..

Was this agreement 'formalised' in any way, by a handshake or (unlikely) any kind of record ? If it's just one man's word against another, hard to take it anywhere. But I see little point in involving insurers over a paltry 50 quid. Dig heels in and say 'tough cookie'.

Renault Captur - Insurance question - bathtub tom

I've been in this situation when SWMBO bumped an old parked car. They obtained three 'quotes' from places around where they worked. I offered a much reduced sum and got them to sign a declaration, which they willingly accepted.

There's chancers everywhere.