Why's the login criteria changed? - bathtub tom

I used to be able to re-boot my PC and when I returned, my email addres and password would be retained. I now have to re-insert them after a few minutes off site.

Why's the login criteria changed? - expat

It has not changed for me. It still remembers my email and password. Maybe some of your browser settings have changed. Have you cleared your cookies? That usually makes it forget emails and passwords.

Why's the login criteria changed? - Bolt

I used to be able to re-boot my PC and when I returned, my email addres and password would be retained. I now have to re-insert them after a few minutes off site.

More sites are doing this now, its to prevent someone else using your account if your away from the device your using, or as you did re-boot I have to do it on Mobile phone as well, not a problem for me as I get a pop up from edge to tap and log in, its still memorised in edge but have to tap it to insert

Why's the login criteria changed? - Palcouk

Depends on your win version, and in some cases what setting you have set

Why's the login criteria changed? - Crickleymal

It's changed for me and I only access the site by phone. In comparison the Kia forum I'm on remembers my login for months.

Why's the login criteria changed? - Bolt

It's changed for me and I only access the site by phone. In comparison the Kia forum I'm on remembers my login for months.

It isnt the web site that remembers your login it leaves a cookie on your device that tell it when you enter the site to login.

your browser then automatically enters login data for you to access the site. as mentioned. depending on browser and version. some. if left for so many minutes log you out and you have to re-login

Idea is if you put device down/leave it for some reason. someone else could use your device while your not near it

And as most now store credit debit card details. Someone else could use it to buy on websites (not everyone does but not many now dont use them to shop)

Depending on browser you can access your login password details through your browser ie print them off so you have a record on paper of all sites you visit ....