Renault Captur - Chip on windscreen - Steveieb

My partners Captur suffered a chip on the middle section of her windscreen . It’s about an eighth of an inch long.

Will having a repair make it more noticeable when driving ?

Renault Captur - Chip on windscreen - badbusdriver

Will having a repair make it more noticeable when driving ?

Shouldn't do if its been repaired properly. Probably won't be invisible, but at worst it should be no more noticeable than the chip itself (though of course there will be no danger of it getting bigger once repaired)

Renault Captur - Chip on windscreen - Engineer Andy

Will having a repair make it more noticeable when driving ?

Shouldn't do if its been repaired properly. Probably won't be invisible, but at worst it should be no more noticeable than the chip itself (though of course there will be no danger of it getting bigger once repaired)

Indeed - I got a chip repaired about 3 years ago on mine (luckily it was in an area outside of the MOT failure zone - it pops up each MOT as an advisory despite the repair).

No issue since, just an annoyance of it being there (LHS), but at £15 as opposed to £100 (was £75 the previous time [2011]) for a complete windscreen replacement, it was fine (not as though the car is new any more!).

Renault Captur - Chip on windscreen - mcb100
It’ll be one of those ‘you’ll see it if you’re looking for it’ repairs if my experience is anything to go by.
I wouldn’t hang about getting it organised, in case the chip starts to grow arms and legs across the screen.
Renault Captur - Chip on windscreen - Xileno

I had one fixed on a VW many years ago (possibly 1994), the repair was far better than I expected. You could still see it but it was massively reduced. Then about six months later on the M4 it happened again but this time the damage was too bad and a new screen was needed. I expect the quality of repair will be dependent on the experience of the repairer. It might be worth speaking to a couple of local garages to see who they use for these repairs.

Renault Captur - Chip on windscreen - Steveieb

Thanks for your replies.

I also found that Autoglass fit a Chinese brand windscreen and refuse to fit an OE brand such as Sicursiv or Pilkington.

is this your experience ?

Renault Captur - Chip on windscreen - Ethan Edwards

No it isn't. Few years ago I had a month old new shape Suzuki Swift. They fitted a oem screen as the was all that was available. What honked me off was that they couldn't recalibrate the camera brake assist gubbins. So I had to pay the main dealer to do that separately. It was only the second one they'd ever done. So in summary not a mass market brand and a very new model out, they fitted an oem screen.

Renault Captur - Chip on windscreen - sammy1

If the chip is in the line of vision it is an MOT fail depending on the tester and size of the chip Most insurance companies have contracts with the major windscreen and glass companies and a glass claim will not affect your no claims. I recently had a chip which was OK for weeks but later a crack appeared away from the chip. My insurance directed me to National Windscreens. They would normally come to your home or workplace but if the car has sensors in the back of the rear view mirror then these have to be recalibrated at their depots. The cost for a MINI was £109 and a very good job which took one and a half hours .

Renault Captur - Chip on windscreen - elekie&a/c doctor

I wouldn't worry too much about minor chips for the mot. The rules are changing this year. Currently the test is to check a prescribed area of the screen for cracks and chips of a certain size. The new test is a visual impairment check, which means is there a good view over the bonnet, forward, and up towards the sky.

Renault Captur - Chip on windscreen - catsdad

I repaired a couple of old, small cracks on our Mazda 3 with a diy kit. One was very successful, only visible if you know where to look. It looks like a fine filament of fishing line within the glass. On the other one it made very little difference and is still visible but it’s outside the main MOT area.
I didn’t take it to a professional as this was old damage, picked up in an MOT before we owned it. I wouldn’t make an iffy claim as it was pre-existing. So it was worth my having a go. In any case repairers won’t warrant repairs on old damage.
Its since passed an MOT with no mention of the repaired chips but of course might be picked up again at a future test.

Renault Captur - Chip on windscreen - John Boy

Some years ago, I sat in the driving seat of a car whilst a chip was being repaired. I was surprised at the amount of pressure the repairer put on the screen, presumably to make sure the sealant went right into the hole. I could literally see it moving in and out in front of me.

As an aside, when I left and got up the road a little way, I spotted someone looking at a map. He was in a car with smashed glass in the passenger side door. Assuming he was looking for the repair shop, I stopped and offered to help. He turned out to be a rep looking for his next call. He told me he'd been driving with his window open when a van coming towards him passed so close and fast that it took off his door mirror and propelled it across in front of him and through the glass in the passenger door.

Renault Captur - Chip on windscreen - bathtub tom

He turned out to be a rep looking for his next call. He told me he'd been driving with his window open when a van coming towards him passed so close and fast that it took off his door mirror

A rep told you someone else was driving too fast and too close and you believed him?

Renault Captur - Chip on windscreen - John Boy

A rep told you someone else was driving too fast and too close and you believed him?

Where did I say I believed him?