Please let us not hear the bleating of how hard pressed the old bill are again.
Peter Hitchens once again eloquently explains why we're on our own and should expect little to not response.
Peter Hitchens once again eloquently explains why we're on our own and should expect little to not response.
Ah - the relatively dim younger brother of the brilliant Christopher Hitchens who, despite a somewhat inadequate education (he was, er, obliged to leave his school...) somehow continues to hold down a job as a provocatively righteous columnist? Ho hum.
I guess back then they didn't have to deal with tribal "gun" and "knife" crime, tracking would-be suicide bombers, "hate" crime, "honour" crime, little girls being pinned down and having bits of their genitalia hacked off. We've imported millions of people from often primitive, violent cultures as well as state sponsored the least able (often feckless) people to out-breed law-abiding taxpayers
Nice to see bigotry is alive and well and living on Honest John.
I guess back then they didn't have to deal with tribal "gun" and "knife" crime, tracking would-be suicide bombers, "hate" crime, "honour" crime, little girls being pinned down and having bits of their genitalia hacked off. We've imported millions of people from often primitive, violent cultures as well as state sponsored the least able (often feckless) people to out-breed law-abiding taxpayers
Nice to see bigotry is alive and well and living on Honest John.
Bigotry (n.) intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself.
OK, bigotry is the worng word so lets go for one that is closer to the truth.
Racism is alive and well on Honest John.
OK, bigotry is the worng word so lets go for one that is closer to the truth.
Racism is alive and well on Honest John.
Perhaps not "racism" but an opinion that some people do not observe the laws and customary traditions of Britain, with undesirable results.
OK, bigotry is the worng word so lets go for one that is closer to the truth.
Racism is alive and well on Honest John.
Perhaps not "racism" but an opinion that some people do not observe the laws and customary traditions of Britain, with undesirable results.
Sorry, but people who rant like
I guess back then they didn't have to deal with tribal "gun" and "knife" crime, tracking would-be suicide bombers, "hate" crime, "honour" crime, little girls being pinned down and having bits of their genitalia hacked off. We've imported millions of people from often primitive, violent cultures as well as state sponsored the least able (often feckless) people to out-breed law-abiding taxpayers - the 5-7 million increase in population since 1997 certainly hasn't helped matters.
are racists, end of story.
Is it me or has has this thread got rather off topic?
Sorry, Skidpan - over the top and not accurate.
Nothing in the quotation you give is racist. It does not mention race, nor does it allow the reader to infer anything to do with race. What is described is culture-based aberrations from UK laws. At most it describes people, or groups of people, who are probably (but not necessarily) born outside the UK and don't fit here, and the comment concentrates on behaviour - behaviour that certainly calls for the description of it as abhorrent and unacceptable, but there is no racist dimension to the words.
It's another intemperant comment from you.
end of story.
" something you say when you think that the opinion you have just expressed about something is correct and that there is no other way of thinking about it "
A good illustration of a phrase often used by bigots (see above definition). The American equivalent is "Period".
As for 'racism', the truths expressed above do not appear to me to display a specific " prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior." Indeed, members of a certain 'race/tribe' which has produced more Nobel prize winners than any other still routinely have 'bits of their genitalia hacked off' .
As for 'racism', the truths expressed above do not appear to me to display a specific " prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."
The words We've imported millions of people from often primitive, violent cultures as well as state sponsored the least able (often feckless) people to out-breed law-abiding taxpayers -
The use of primitive above is (IMHO) overtly racist. It also gives a context in which to read poster's other words about honour killings etc.
Just before this thread gets locked, there's nothing racist about being alarmed at the instances of acid attacks stabbings shootings gang crime nor FGM, nor the rape on an industrial scale of mainly young underage vulnerable or troubled girls...but all of this pales into insignificance in that the last item was swept under the carpet and ignored by our police and politicians and most of our titled and wealthy betters, who for years (decades) knew it was going on and did nothing, if anything they deliberately allowed it to continue instead of doing their duty, once known as deriliction.
Edited by gordonbennet on 25/11/2018 at 19:35
"The use of primitive above is (IMHO) overtly racist."
No."Overtly" means explicitly. The use of the word "primitive" does not explicitly convey racism. You can argue (I think unsuccessfully) about whether racism is implied by the word.
In my view, people are far too ready to fling around accusations of racism, which does poor service to actual racism, which probably like most people here I abhor.
Multiculturalism, which suggests that all cultures are equally worthy and valid, has led us to this. If we are stamp out, for example, FGM (female genital mutilation) we have to recognise it for what it is: something that this country will not tolerate, emanating from a culture that is not ours. The fact that it forms part of a culture of specific people is irrelevant.
I really don't think we have to apologise for that - or get caught up with thinking it's racism.
Thread drift is fine, but this stuff isn't even connected to motoring.
If you really must discuss this topic, start a new thread in the general section.
Seems like that post of John F went over your head Skidpan. Yes,it's aimed at YOU.