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What is your most memorable experience in a car? - reecejackox

I would say of the top of my head driving back from a football match in thick fog and couldn't seen anything , made it through though.

What is your most memorable experience in a car? - oldroverboy.

This is a family forum, so can't say, although the electrically powered seats and the fact that it was a large car came in useful....

But the two that spring to mind are,

Crashing my mini clubman into the back of a car just after i had collected it from the body shop.

Going to my fathers funeral, the automatic gearbox packed up on my 827 Sterling, 70 miles away...stopping, crying, and waiting. when i tried after 20 minutes or so, it went, got me to my mothers house, and promptly gave up totally.

200 miles back home afterwards on a transporter..

What is your most memorable experience in a car? - craig-pd130

This is a family forum, so can't say, although the electrically powered seats and the fact that it was a large car came in useful....

Haha :-D In my experience, enthusiasm and single-mindedness usually overcome the lack of electric seats and size of car ...

But my most memorable experience behind the wheel was the day I rented a Jensen Interceptor, which I wrote about here:www.honestjohn.co.uk/forum/post/index.htm?t=106212

Not just because of the car, which was wonderful, but also because I did most of the driving with my dad. His illness accelerated soon afterwards and he died early the following year. So it was lovely to have a perfect father & son day to remember, before he got really ill.

What is your most memorable experience in a car? - badbusdriver

Having worked a combined total of 'many years' in various garages and dealerships, i have been in the fortunate position to have driven many cars which, certainly at the time, were both fast and desirable.

But, for me, the most memorable experiences or journeys, have invariably always taken place in small, low powered and very basic cars (and van). Probably the most memorable of these were when i owned a Suzuki ST90 panel van (predecessor to the Supercarry/Bedford Rascal). I lived and worked in Aberdeen at the time and decided to do a sort of road trip, taking in a trip to the Orkney Islands to see friends. I slept in the back of the van in a sleeping bag on a few layers of cardboard, just managing to stretch out diagonally along the length of the load bay. I was so comfy and so cosy!. The van itself performed brilliantly, within its limitations, one of those being around 38bhp, the other being its proportions. Very short, very narrow, very tall (in relation to its length and width), very, very short wheelbase. The speedometer didn't work, but at a guess i'd say 45-50mph would have been a happy cruising speed. On the return journey it was quite windy and crossing the Kessock bridge just outside Inverness was fairly traumatic, with the little Suzy being blown about between the lanes, following traffic wisely deciding to hang back rather than try to pass me!.

Another memorable journey, for entirely different reasons, was my hot run from Wigan to Aberdeen. This would have been around 1993 and at the time i had a MK2 Fiesta 1.6 (n/a) diesel, which had 54bhp. I left Wigan at 5pm and got home at exactly 10pm having stopped for a 30min break around the half way mark. The AA route planner suggests a driving time of 5hrs and 36mins, so thinking back to that run, knocking more than an hour off that time (with only 54bhp), even now brings a smile!.

What is your most memorable experience in a car? - oldroverboy.

This is a family forum, so can't say, although the electrically powered seats and the fact that it was a large car came in useful....

Haha :-D In my experience, enthusiasm and single-mindedness usually overcome the lack of electric seats and size of car ...

Fiat 500 in turin.. mini... not memorable..

What is your most memorable experience in a car? - FP

It was only my second time abroad; I had flown to Geneva one summer on my own, picked up a rental car (an Opel of some sort) - my first time in a RHD car, my first time driving outside the UK.

It was clear and calm and getting dark as I picked up the Route 1 northwards that follows the lake on the west side and after a few kilometres I was able to stop and look back across the water at the shimmering reflected lights of the city I had left behind.

It was an amazing, almost out-of-body experience.

In total darkness I drove on, right round the top of the lake past Montreux, and turned south into the Vaud valley, where the river Rhône is born, crossed westwards to Monthey and started the long climb into the mountains (watching the car's thermometer drop) towards the little skiing village where I had instructions to find a particular chalet, let myself in and find the room I was to sleep in - all of this without disturbing anyone there. And all done before the days of satnavs.

As has been said, this is a family forum and I will draw a veil over the rest. Why I was there, what happened and the circumstances of it all, had better remain untold here. Suffice to say that the long weekend in question, in the heat of a warm spell one June many years ago, in the stunningly beautiful Swiss mountains, overturned my life as it was at the time and ensured that nothing was the same again.

Edited by FP on 31/08/2018 at 09:39

What is your most memorable experience in a car? - Steveieb
For me it's got to be the euphoria I felt in driving the humble MX5 around the alpine circuit at Milbrook.
I have driven makes and models from all manufacturers around the circuit but nothing comes near to the fun and excitement of this particular open top car on a sunny June day.
What is your most memorable experience in a car? - nellyjak

Sadly, the most "memorable" ones are those I would prefer to forget.!!!

What is your most memorable experience in a car? - gordonbennet

The things that stick most in my mind are the near misses, where by quick thinking and reactions (by anyone) or by sheer fluke and/or a shovelful of luck disaster was averted, the worst of these i can still see in my minds eye decades later.

What is your most memorable experience in a car? - barney100

One of those experience days, one of the three cars was a Ferrari of some sort. The instructor let me drive round the circuit once then on the second one said 'floor it' on the long straight. It was as if someone pushed me back into the seat and the world whizzed by in a blur, no idea how fast we went but I've never felt performance like that. Mentioned to herself we could sell the house and buy a Ferrari...................

What is your most memorable experience in a car? - bazza

My now adult kids always remember our trip over the Pyrenees to Spain, when a rear pad fell apart, leaving us in the middle of nowhere, in the evening, with very little braking. Being brought up on ancient Minis with hopeless brakes, I decided to carry on, we made the last 100 miles of fantastic scenery and hair raising roads with engine braking and anticipation, a good lesson to them in self reliance, which they often recall.

Another is seeing an indicated 100 mph in an original 1275 Cooper S, on a twisty A road years ago, smoke from the brakes and tyres pouring into the cabin!

Similarly, my first ride on a big bike in the late 70s, experiencing acceleration that even today only the quickest cars can achieve, firing my enthusiasm for bikes in general.

More recently, achieving my quickest ever trip from S Wales to N wales in under 4 hours in believe it or not a 1.1 Fiat Panda! As many have said, it's often mundane machinery that delivers the most memorable experiences.

What is your most memorable experience in a car? - KB.

Having my car stolen from under my nose ... and getting dragged up the road as I (foolishly) tried to prevent this, somewhat unexpected, incidence of car-jacking. The damage to my legs healed and the physical losses were replaced but it left a lasting impression and caused a dent in my faith in human nature.

What is your most memorable experience in a car? - badbusdriver

"More recently, achieving my quickest ever trip from S Wales to N wales in under 4 hours in believe it or not a 1.1 Fiat Panda! As many have said, it's often mundane machinery that delivers the most memorable experiences."

Yeah, that is exactly my feelings!.

Recently i have been become increasingly fed up of motoring magazines focussing pretty much exclusively on hot hatches with more power than anyone really needs, SUV's with more power than anyone really needs, saloon cars with more power than anyone really needs, supercars with more power than anyone really needs or can use!.

One of the most enjoyable articles in Top Gear magazine of recent memory was a couple of years ago when Tom Ford drove a bog standard Dacia Sandero (the £6k one) to Norway to drive it up the 'Trollstigen'. And in Car magazine about a year ago when Mark Walton bought an old Fiat 126 (for himself) from Italy, and drove it back to the UK!. I also vaguely remember, i think it might have been Top Gear magazine, many years ago reading an article where they drove a VW Lupo to the artic circle and slept 'in' the car using a roof tent!. That is the kind of stuff i want to read about in motoring magazines, not the latest gazillion horsepower supercar, or yet another (yawn) limited edition Porsche 911 (which has invariably sold out so you can't buy it anyway), or yet another unnecessarily huge and expensive SUV.

What is your most memorable experience in a car? - TheGentlemanThug

Boy, oh boy, how do I answer that question without it turning into a Monty Python sketch?!

Most memorable experience has to be driving home from hospital after the birth of my daughter, who spent a week stuck in hospital with my wife. It was good and terrifying to get home again.

What is your most memorable experience in a car? - sandy56

A small list of memorable events-

Rolling my MG Midget in a nasty wet day and walking away unscathed.

Sitting with the family on a small river toll bridge, waiting to pay, and seeing a RAF Hercules having to climb to get over the bridge!

Driving a De Thomaso Mangusta down the California Freeway.

Watching the California CHP police in action in an accident on the LA Freeway. Nobody hurt but a big pile up. They had us moving again very quickly ( unlike UK police who like to shut down motorways for hours).

What is your most memorable experience in a car? - madf

My memorable experiences: Driving my very first car: £39 1929 Riley 9 Monaco in rain for the first time and getting wet legs from the holes in the wooden floor.

Driving 40 miles home in an Austin A30 and being totally soaked and half blinded by the rain after a passing car threw up a stone which smashed the front window to bits.

Driving up a hill outside Stonehaven going North in snow and watching a a MIni come the other way sliding sideways on my side of the road at what seemd a huge speed straight towards us. It missed.

Living in Ormskirk , just eaten dinner when a HUGE bang outside. Rushed out to see a car crashed into lampost and driver slumped over wheel. His wife in hysterics - he had had a heart attack. Passing by very preganant nurse helped when I gave him mouth to mouth resuscitation. His false teeth fell out! He died.. must have been the curry I ate..

Hitting an oil slick on a very long left hander osna moroway and sliding sideways for what felt like ages at 70mph .. mamaged to somehow get it straight before we went into the central barrier.

Several others - not for the squeamish..involving blood and accidents - not mine.

What is your most memorable experience in a car? - Smileyman

couple of incidents stick out in my memory bank, firstly getting stuck doing a 3 point turn in an an icy road ... the camber was steep and the car could not complete the turn (Nissan Sunny, probably late 1980's). I hadn't been driving for long, I was young 17 or 18 I guess, lots to learn no doubt!

Secondly when driving home after a day trip to Ostende (Belguim). It was between Xmas and New Year, there was freezing fog and 2"-4" of snow on the ground, made for an interesting and slow drive theough Belgium and France to Calais. Got back to England safely, must have been about 1am, on A2 say 10 miles before Dartford Tunnel ... mild and damp out ... certainly no ice fog or snow, the engine died on me whilst driving at 70 mph in lane 2. Zilch. Nothing. Very lucky as had it been 1pm there would have been a multiple vehicle accident. Took a torch and walked to the Esso petrol station, called the AA, by the time I got back to the car the patrol man was there with my brother, engine running, all fine. What went wrong - the damper had shut thus depriving the engine of oxygen. If I had known I might have been able to fix it myself. Anyway, this being the 4th breakdown in the car I soon sold it. The offending car, Austim Maestro 1.6 (I think) A series engine .. the car with the overheat warning light that used to activate in the summer whilst stationary in heavy traffic. Bought a 3 series Volvo instead, did cost me to clear the finance but had to be done.

In case any reader is wondering, this was before mobile phones existed! (As for satnav, a science fiction product)

Edited by Smileyman on 02/09/2018 at 20:34

What is your most memorable experience in a car? - SteveLee

Looking way down out of a Triumph Dolomite at the letters on the roof of a Police car going the other way while we were jumping a hump back bridge. Stupid and dangerous I know - oh the folly of youth...