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renault megane 2002 - Clunking after power steering replacement - brianposter

The power steering mechanism on our Renault Megane (2002) has recently been replaced. When the car was collected a light but persistent clunking had appeared, noticeable particularly when travelling at low speeds (say 10 mph).
Neither we nor the garage (in 20 mins) have been able to find an explanation. Any suggestions ?

renault megane 2002 - Clunking after power steering replacement - Peter.N.

I would suspect either something relating to the steering is loose or you have a drop link or ball joint failure.

renault megane 2002 - Clunking after power steering replacement - madf

Rack support bushes? Obvious first check - have they fitted new ones of the correct type,inserted them correctly and tightened them up correctly ?

When a garage does something wrong and then say they cannot find the fault, it suggests they are either incompetent or are not trying very hard...

renault megane 2002 - Clunking after power steering replacement - brianposter

We have now located the noise as being within the power steering unit. Any suggestions as to what they might have done ?

To be precise the original unit was sent away for repair.

Edited by brianposter on 27/04/2018 at 18:45

renault megane 2002 - Clunking after power steering replacement - Deryck

We have now located the noise as being within the power steering unit. Any suggestions as to what they might have done ?

To be precise the original unit was sent away for repair.

Is this the new shape 2002 Megane with electric power steering?

renault megane 2002 - Clunking after power steering replacement - brianposter

No. Hydraulic system.

renault megane 2002 - Clunking after power steering replacement - Deryck

Unfortunately I don't know anything about the hydraulic system.