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Audio SQ5 - Buying a car that smells of cigar smoke - Natalie Jackson


I was hoping I could get some advice. We’ve found a car that we really like through an Audi dealership – we’re due to be viewing it in a couple of days, but have just heard from the salesperson that on inspection, the car smells heavily of cigar smoke and he’s advising us against having it sent down here and even looking at it…. I have my suspicions that something else is awry, potentially that they have another buyer lined up and/or they think they are selling to us too cheaply and have made a mistake with the quote..

My question is, if they are indeed being truthful and it does smell heavily of smoke – is this really a massive problem? It’s a leather upholstered Q5 – can the smell be removed? Another point to note is I am 5 months pregnant and this will be the main car I will be transporting my little one in.

Thanks for any advice you can give me.

Audio SQ5 - Buying a car that smells of cigar smoke - Snakey

Personally speaking I would never buy a car again that smelt of smoke - I did once many years ago and its nearly impossible to get rid of the smell.

After lots of washing/air fresheners etc you think the smell is gone, then you get in one day with damp clothes and the smell is released again!

Plus with little ones involved they will be touching all of the smoke coated surfaces and picking up the residue left behind - it can be removed from leather but headlining etc is another matter.

Edited by Snakey on 27/02/2018 at 15:36

Audio SQ5 - Buying a car that smells of cigar smoke - badbusdriver

I guess the question of whether or not it is a massive problem would depend on how you feel about the smell of cigar smoke. As an ex car valeter, i have spent plenty of hours trying to get rid of various smells from cars, usually with limited success. Cigarette smoke is probably about the worst, because it does literally get everywhere. The smell may eventually go away, but it could take a long time, you may get used to the smell, but that does not mean it isn't still there.

Does it really need to be an SQ5?, all that is is a Q5 with more power and stiffer suspension, neither of which are necessary or even desirable for carrying a baby.

Personally, i wouldn't.

Audio SQ5 - Buying a car that smells of cigar smoke - daveyjp

Audi website is showing over 120 used SQ5s available.

Obviously once you start filtering for age, price, colour, extras etc this number drops. Is the one you want therefore rare? If so it may well be they had another buyer.

I work on the philosophy that if a salesman said it I need evidence its true! If I was still interested I'd call their bluff and go and have a look.

They will then either tell you they managed to clean the car and get rid of the smell, or someone will have to sit in the car and smoke a few Hamlets!

Audio SQ5 - Buying a car that smells of cigar smoke - Manatee

It would be unusual for a salesperson to try and 'unsell' a car but, if there is cost involved in moving it for you and they really think you are unlikely to buy it, that could make sense for them.

Unless it's a serious bargain I'd forget it and look for another.

Audio SQ5 - Buying a car that smells of cigar smoke - P3t3r

If what he is saying is true then I wouldn't touch it. From what I've heard, it's almost impossible to eliminate the smell. To reduce the smell you need to hoover in all of the nooks and crannies, and wash any fabrics (unless it's all leather), but even then it's likely that the smell will still be there or at least return in the future.

I wouldn't want to be breathing it in myself and certainly wouldn't want a baby/child in there.

Audio SQ5 - Buying a car that smells of cigar smoke - Ethan Edwards

I once bought a car at an auction I thought had brown tinted windows. Turns out it was cigar residue. 18mos old as well. Anywdy repeated cleaning over several months and it went. If you persevere it can be done but it's a lot of work. Have you considered smoking a pipe or cigars yourself? It would be much easier!

Audio SQ5 - Buying a car that smells of cigar smoke - SLO76
No salesman in his/her right mind would say this to you, he’s covering for something else. I’m assuming that it’s being transferred from another branch or dealer for you to view? If so then it’s highly likely the other branch manager has refused, it’s been sold or on the cusp of being sold. Find another or make the time to go view it at the other branch. I’ll bet there’s no noticeable smell of smoke.
Audio SQ5 - Buying a car that smells of cigar smoke - lordwoody

I'd disagree, any salesman worth their salt would mention this, especially from a quality dealer, why wouldn't they?

Audio SQ5 - Buying a car that smells of cigar smoke - SLO76

I'd disagree, any salesman worth their salt would mention this, especially from a quality dealer, why wouldn't they?

Salesman is there to sell. Even if there was a smell (and I fully expect there was no such thing) he’d still put the punter in the car to see if they liked it. Many don’t care about a minor smell and many (like myself) have quite a poor sense of smell. A good main dealer valet shop would also be quite capable of cleaning the interior and removing the smell almost 100%. We used to get a lot of ex-mobility Protons back that had been utterly abused (makes a joke of salesman telling you ex-mobility is a good thing) and stinking of cigarettes. When it returned from the valet shop after a deep clean you’d struggle to have noticed though some headlinings just couldn’t be fully cleaned.
Audio SQ5 - Buying a car that smells of cigar smoke - Stackman II

Taking the salesman at his word then he obviously believes that there may be an issue with the smell of the car which might lead you to reject it out of hand.

Not a problem for a walk-in customer but somebody would have to pay to transport the car to your local dealer and with margins being tight he sees no reason to throw money away.

I always think that cigar smoke smell adds a touch of class. My Dad had a Rover SD1 2600 in 1983 which smelt of cigars and I always liked it.

Audio SQ5 - Buying a car that smells of cigar smoke - SteVee

>>I always think that cigar smoke smell adds a touch of class. My Dad had a Rover SD1 2600 in 1983 which smelt of cigars and I always liked it.<<

Yes - I remember in the 1960s meeting someone with a new Jaguar, saying that they needed to smoke cigars to compliment the leather interior. It's not for me, I'd reject a car smelling of smoke or wet dogs etc. Fortunately, motorcycles never suffer from this problem :-)

Audio SQ5 - Buying a car that smells of cigar smoke - sandy56

I remember looking at a very nice car ( FROM THE OUTSIDE) ROVER SD1 3500S.

Yes that one.

Went to view and went inside which stank of dog and covered in dog hair. I told the salesman if you cant even be bother to hover out the dog hair why should I bother test driving it? and walked away. Never regretted my decision.

Edited by sandy56 on 01/03/2018 at 12:45

Audio SQ5 - Buying a car that smells of cigar smoke - 72 dudes

I remember looking at a very nice car ( FROM THE OUTSIDE) ROVER SD1 3500S.

Yes that one.

Went to view and went inside which stank of dog and covered in dog hair. I told the salesman if you cant even be bother to hover out the dog hair why should I bother test driving it? and walked away. Never regretted my decision.

Reminds me of a mint Renault Fuego (remember those?) I almost bought in 1988. The interior smelled of stale milk, walked away. Nothing worse than a bad smell in a car.

I like the occasional cigar but I wouldn't want my car to smell of it.

Audio SQ5 - Buying a car that smells of cigar smoke - barney100

Golden rule, any doubts don't buy it. there are a lot of cars out there.