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Dropping off at Luton Airport - FoxyJukebox

Dropped off daughter and family at Luton yesterday.We both chuckled hysterically at the following sign that went something like this.

"Drop off £3 for ten minutes and £1 for every subsequent minute. £2 and £1 coins accepted, no change given. Abuse is not accepted."

Amazed at number of vehicles parked, locked and empty in the drop off area, whilst presumably helpful drivers escorted their departing parties up the disgustingly dreary exterior pot-holed walk to the terminal from hell and even maybe stopped for a nice long coffee. £53 if they stopped for an hour. No wonder "abuse" is seemingly common.

Avoid at all times--specially between june and end of august.

Edited by Doubleug on 03/01/2018 at 10:14