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That time of year.... Happy Christmas! - Fishermans Bend

Happy Christmas!!!

Are you HJ? Merry Christmas!

Are a moderator or indeed THE moderator? Happy Christmas!

Are you a contributor to the site and made a gaffe about the Tesco store being at Goodwood Revival this year when it wasn't? Happy Christmas!

Have you given advice on the forum? Happy Christmas.

Did you post a topic for discussion? Happy Christmas.

Do you never post on the forum? Happy Christmas! One of your NY resolutions should be to contribute in 2017! It's quiet without you!

Have you upset someone? Happy Christmas!

Have you moaned? Happy Christmas, keep taking the pills!

Have I missed anyone? Happy Christmas!

Are you a cyclist? Happy Christmas!

Not sure what to buy a cyclist friend for Christmas? Lights if they don't have any!

Are going to drink and drive? Don't!

If you've had a not so good year, may 2017 be a better one!

That time of year.... Happy Christmas! - Bolt

Happy Christmas all,

The only things I would contribute to a cyclist is night vision glasses and a dust mask ;)

That time of year.... Happy Christmas! - RobJP

Merry christmas to all too.

Incidentally, has anyone seen the Budwieser / Helen Mirren anti-drink-drive advert ?


the 'official' campaign could do a lot worse than adopt that, very well done.

That time of year.... Happy Christmas! - Avant

Many thanks, Fisherman's Bend. I suspect that the software didn't allow you to put the apostrophe into your name, so I'll honour you with it now.

I'm the moderator, and I join you in wishing everyone a very happy Christmas - and a merry one too when not intending to drive. I'll have played the organ for four carol services between now and Christmas, so I'm particiularly looking forward to alcohol-fuelled rest and recuperation - even to an invasion of families and grandchildren on Boxing Day.

That time of year.... Happy Christmas! - oldroverboy.

Christmas Wishes to all!

And, as swmbo is doing nights at the hospital this christmas, please be patient if it gets busy,

Please do not drink and drive, as we can attest to the damage it causes!

That time of year.... Happy Christmas! - RT

Merry Christmas to all contributors, both regulars and ocassional visitors. May 2017 be all you wish for.

That time of year.... Happy Christmas! - FP

" I suspect that the software didn't allow you to put the apostrophe into your name, so I'll honour you with it now."

Nice one, Avant. I do like to meet a fellow-pedant. Pity about the superfluous letter in "particiularly".

Pedantry aside, I hope everyone has a good Christmas, whatever that may mean. Different people will celebrate different things and some may not celebrate at all. Some will find that this Christmas is a particularly tough one, as I'm sure will a friend and ex-colleague whose wife died suddenly earlier this year. Not everyone can be merry at this time of all times.

If I had a message, it would be that I hope everyone can find peace, inside themselves and elsewhere, and relaxation from the challenges of everyday life; and that generosity of spirit includes being generous to oneself.

May 2017 bring fulfilment to all.

That time of year.... Happy Christmas! - gordonbennet

Indeed i'll chuck my good wishes in as well if i may, to our leader(s) and mods our regulars our irregulars our lurkers too, hopefully they'll post next year and join us in putting the motoring world, at least, though we do offer alternative solutions to world crises here too, right.

Whether the present year has been good or bad for you, i hope 2017 turns out well.

That time of year.... Happy Christmas! - Fishermans Bend

Avant, Fishermans Bend, formerly known as Fishermen's Bend, doesn't have an apostrophe. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fishermans_Bend,_Victoria

Thanks anyway.

That time of year.... Happy Christmas! - brum

Bah humbug!