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Punto Sporting 1.9 diesel - White smoke no revs - Geoffm

Hi everyone

Pulled out of side road went to accelerate and engine died to the point of tick over only, put your foot down on the pedal and no increase in revs however you do get white smoke from exhaust.

Any ideas of where to look first?


Punto Sporting 1.9 diesel - White smoke no revs - Peter.N.

Could be a faulty throttle pot but you really need to get the codes read.

Punto Sporting 1.9 diesel - White smoke no revs - phil_z70

White smoke usually relates to the fuel supply area,

Fuel pump, injectors, fuel timing been out

Punto Sporting 1.9 diesel - White smoke no revs - hardway

Or there's water in the fuel/filter.

When was it last changed?

And did you fill up with fuel just before?

Punto Sporting 1.9 diesel - White smoke no revs - Geoffm
Well I filled up a few days before but had only driven a few miles before the problem arose, it was a garage I have not used before a Murco where I usually fill in at tesco.
The. Car was service about a 1000 miles earlier and assume the filter was changed, the local garage that carried out the service the owner is on holiday so need to wait until next week to check.
I guess it's possible the garage tank was low and the pump has sucked up water/crap when I filled up.
It looks like a tow to the garage next week and let them search out the problem and hope it's not too expensive.
Punto Sporting 1.9 diesel - White smoke no revs - edlithgow

Could be head gasket or crack in the head or block.

Hope it isn't

Check to see if you've got oil in the coolant (and vice versa).

If you've got a radiator cap, you could take it off (with the engine cold) and then start up and see if its blowing bubbles into the radiator.

Edited by edlithgow on 25/08/2016 at 12:19

Punto Sporating 1.9 diesel - White smoke no revs - Geoffm
Hi all

It's been three weeks since the posts but finally got it into the garage after returning from holiday and it turned out to be failed ERG valve, broke up inside the housing garage said I may have noticed a little stuttering when pulling away that would be an early sign of it going anyway all fixed £150 and runs great.
Thanks for your help