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Colchester - Why do bus drivers jump lights and block box juncs - oldroverboy.

I have taken to using our bus service here in sunny colchester, but today the bus leaving the bus stop in head steet drove through straight from the stop when the light changed as he pulled away.

Going back into town, the bus driver followed the bus in front even though the light had changed to red.

And afterwards the bus driver blocked the box junction at north staion soutbound from mile end road.

Another Then going down North hill decided to overtake a slow moving audi going northbound down the hill!

Nuts or what. And the on board cctv never seems to work when i report them.

Edited by oldroverboy. on 30/04/2016 at 20:56

Colchester - Why do bus drivers jump lights and block box juncs - galileo

My wife's first husband was a bus driver, you should hear her opinion of them! (though there may be some honourable exceptions, of course).

I'm not impressed when they fail to pull fully into bus stops and block the road, and the habit some have of pulling out in front of you as they turn the indicator on.

I give them a wide berth and get past as soon as possible.

Edited by galileo on 30/04/2016 at 21:11

Colchester - Why do bus drivers jump lights and block box juncs - Wackyracer

My wife's first husband was a bus driver, you should hear her opinion of them! (though there may be some honourable exceptions, of course).

I'm not impressed when they fail to pull fully into bus stops and block the road, and the habit some have of pulling out in front of you as they turn the indicator on.

Didn't you know that for bus drivers MSM means manouvre, signal, mirror and occasional stick 2 fingers up out the window.

The bus driving test has been watered down purposely over the years as they have struggle to get people to do the job. But, then again its the same for the LGV driving test too.

Colchester - Why do bus drivers jump lights and block box juncs - gordonbennet
The bus driving test has been watered down purposely over the years as they have struggle to get people to do the job. But, then again its the same for the LGV driving test too.

Agreed, dumbing down to lowest common denominator, been happening for years.

Some may have come to the conclusion the process starts long before people are sent out into the workplace to be good little repetitive unthinking droid citizens.

In all forms of transport world they won't be happy till the human is removed from the vehicle completely, best of luck when their ghastly utopia is reached and error 404 appears on the Immaculate display...it could be argued the independent thinking and skilled human is now fast being phased out, and their goal is in sight...dunno about you lot but i have a healthy distrust of those more equal in shiny suits and their pet white coated scientists designing our future.

Colchester - Why do bus drivers jump lights and block box juncs - Bolt

I'm not impressed when they fail to pull fully into bus stops and block the road, and the habit some have of pulling out in front of you as they turn the indicator on.

In my area its because the bus stop is used as a car park, some do not signal at all, some forget traffic lights exist, and they often are not in a hurry doing less than 20mph in a 30, normally when your in a hurry

Colchester - Why do bus drivers jump lights and block box juncs - Avant

Nothing much changes! Flanders and Swann, circa 1957:

When cabbies try to pass me, before they overtakes,

I sticks me flippin' 'and out as I jams on all me brakes:

Them jackal taxi-drivers can only swear and cuss

Behind that monarch of the road,

Observer of the 'Ighway Code,

That big six-wheeler, London Transport,

Diesel-engined, 97 horsepower


Colchester - Why do bus drivers jump lights and block box juncs - bananastand

you whaaaat you want to try the driving habits in the e n r i c h e d parts of the towns up here. You could easily be in a far off exotic land where "rules" is made for breakin'.

At least the dashcam phenomenon means that we are no longer the world capital of cash for crash or is it crash for cash? You may rest assured that other activities have taken its place.

Will that get past the censors?

Colchester - Why do bus drivers jump lights and block box juncs - Vitesse6

I asked an ambulance driver why they often park obstructing other people when they are attending to a patient, even though they could have stopped 10 feet further away and not be in anyone's way.

His answer was quite simple "because we can"

Maybe that is why the bus drivers ignore the lights and box junctions...

Colchester - Why do bus drivers jump lights and block box juncs - bathtub tom

The bin lorry driver who said "show me a bin lorry driver who doesn't enjoy holding up other traffic and I'll show you a liar".

Little people with tiny minds who'll never account for much trying to make themselves seem important.

Colchester - Why do bus drivers jump lights and block box juncs - bananastand

on the narrow main road from Ormskirk to Southport, the bin lorry does its round in the middle of rush hour, not just before or just after, causing massive queues in both directions. It would be harsh and "judgemental" of me to say they did it on purpose?

Colchester - Why do bus drivers jump lights and block box juncs - RaineMan

I find in Hertfordshire that one bus company's drivers are much more aggressive and inconsiderate than the others. On Saturday one coming in the opposite direction pulled straight into my path to overtake a rival company's stationary vehicle. I had to brake sharply to avoid an accident. He didn't even wave a thank you or make an apolgetic gesture.

When I was young bus and lorry drivers were respected professional drivers (with vehicles that were much harder to drive than now). Sadly that is mainly a thing of the past!

Colchester - Why do bus drivers jump lights and block box juncs - Avant

Not harsh and judgemental Bananastand - just a reflection of the lack of joined-up thinking which is sadly all too common in the public sector, particularly with local authorities.

Someone planning the bin lorries' rounds simply wouldn't have thought about a narrow road in the rush hour.

Raineman - sure, there are examples of poor driving of both buses and HGVs - but I still think they're in the minority. Although their vehicles are for the most part easier to drive, they have to cope with far more traffic, and, dare I say it, a greater number of poor car drivers.

Edited by Avant on 12/05/2016 at 01:23

Colchester - Why do bus drivers jump lights and block box juncs - alan1302

Raineman - sure, there are examples of poor driving of both buses and HGVs - but I still think they're in the minority. Although their vehicles are for the most part easier to drive, they have to cope with far more traffic, and, dare I say it, a greater number of poor car drivers.

I do find bus and HGV drivers generally of a higher standard than most car drivers.

Colchester - Why do bus drivers jump lights and block box juncs - RaineMan

Generally yes but when they are bad they canbe very bad and their size can make it quite scary.

There are a number of bus companies in the area but of the two largest why does one seem to have far worse drivers than the other. Maybe it is something that cames down from management. It is the same with supermarket deliveries - Waitrose and Ocado drivers stand head and shoulders above some others!

Colchester - Why do bus drivers jump lights and block box juncs - Wackyracer

It is the same with supermarket deliveries - Waitrose and Ocado drivers stand head and shoulders above some others!

A friend of mine was a HGV driver for large supermarket chain and their driving assessor was called into the office for failing drivers which he deemed to be not suitable. After he passed everyone he took out their vehicle damage bill for the depot was around £30k a month.