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Top Gear presenters - too many cooks - Trilogy

The line up for the new show has been announced. A total of 6 presenters - Sabine Schmitz, YouTube star Chris Harris (previously at AutoCar magazine), F1 pundit Eddie Jordan, motoring journalist Rory Reid and Matt LeBlanc will join Chris Evans. I wonder if that will be a case of too many cooks?

Top Gear presenters - too many cooks - focussed

I await the result with interest - particularly Sabine Schmitz trying to pedal a motor around Dunsfold as fast or faster than The Stig - should be interesting.

Or should that be The Stig trying to keep up with Sabine?

Who knows?

I cannot see this format lasting as long as the three amigos though.

Top Gear presenters - too many cooks - Engineer Andy

My phrase would be: never mind the quality, feel the width.

Just don't see the point in having bothe The Stig and Sabine, so what is she going to be doing if he does the fast track test drives;

Why do I get the impression that Eddie Jordan and (at least) Matt LeBlanc won't get on or have any on-screen chemistry;

I see the Beeb has put in a 'token woman' (Sabine) and a 'token minority' (Harris) who will probably see very little time on-screen, either that or the 'three amigos' (yeah right!) of Evans, LeBlanc and Jordan just sit on a sofa chatting about cars and leave it to the others to do the driving. What a waste of money - I'd be interested to see if their wage bill has actually gone up as a result (the 'three amigos'won't come cheap).

It reminds me of the Beeb adding more and more presenters to 'The Sky at Night' which did nothing for the show, much better to just have a few, 3 or 4, plus/including the Stig.

Top Gear presenters - too many cooks - dimdip

Anything that dilutes and reduces exposure to Chris Evans is A Good Thing. More presenters, pls.

Top Gear presenters - too many cooks - groaver

Yes, I thought you had misspelled that title...

Top Gear presenters - too many cooks - xtrailman

Anybody is an improvement over what we had, I'm actually looking forward to it, I'm a big eddy fan from watching F1.

Top Gear presenters - too many cooks - slkfanboy

I think it’s a recipe for disaster. The hole series works around Clarkson and we he not there it’s going to be like 5 th Gear i.e. extinct or was that the dinosaurs?

Top Gear presenters - too many cooks - Steveieb

No mention of Oisen Tynon being part of the production team as was in the last series!

Take a look at the Spike Milligan extract from Youtube where he decides to put Chis Evans in Room 101 Its number 1 of three.


In Spikes words the smartest thing that Chris Evans has said is "Good Morning "

Top Gear presenters - too many cooks - Gibbo_Wirral

I would imagine Eddie Jordan is there because he's contracted to present. And since the BBC has dumped the F1 coverage early he'll be getting paid with no show to present on, and this is the best they can come up with.

Personally I don't mind the guy, but do think that it's all very "leftie-multicultural-ticking-all-the-diversity-boxes" BBC.