"Insignia reliability is dependent on which engine / gear box set up you choose."
It's sad that comments like that are still appropriate in this age of generally much more reliable cars. In 50 years of driving I've never had a Vauxhall - although I've test-driven some from time time to make sure it isn't just prejudice (it isn't).
This is good news for those of us who have also driven for over 50 years, have never been able to afford a new car but have had years of trouble free motoring in used Vauxhalls as it helps to keep the prices down. From the MK2 Cavalier on they have been well built, comfortable, performed well in relation to their engine size, have been excellent long legged motorway cruisers and been reasonably economical. Parts, if and when are needed are cheap, and those that I have owned have only required normal servicing. I think it's a bit like Secret Escapes so I suppose I should be keeping quiet .