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Toyota RAV4 - Mystery oil loss - Jennie65

W Reg I have just bought this car and is a lovely drive, great condition. Or so it seemed. It consumes oil really quickly. I can see a leak ie no patch under car, there are no puffs of smoke black, blue or otherwise from exhaust. No smells.

The oil light flashed me 2 days after purchase so i checked oil and it was empty nothing registered on dipstick at all. So filled till between the 2 dots - nearly 5 litres. 2 weeks later flashing again, nothing registering on dipstick again. this is going to be an expensive hobby.

Any ideas out there please.

Toyota RAV4 - Mystery oil loss - RobJP

If there are no leaks under the car, then the oil is being burnt in the combustion chambers.

Either get rid, get fixed (expensive) or monitor and top up the oil daily.

Toyota RAV4 - Mystery oil loss - madf

Older ones have chocolate oil control rings. Fixed under warranty..

Advice as per RobJP above.

Toyota RAV4 - Mystery oil loss - Galaxy

If you bought it from a car dealer then I'd take it back and ask for a refund.