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Tyre puncture - manymanythanks
Hi Guys,
This morning I had a flat tyre. Changed and now it is in the boot. Took it to the Tyre shop for puncture repair. Shock! It cannot be repaired as it is to the edge and so needs new tyre. The puncture tyre has good tread and should atleast last a year. Is he taking me for a ride?
Thankyou for your advice
Tyre pucture - Orson {P}
Don't think so. I'm not a rubber engineer (oo-er!) but I do understand that the sides are more vulnerable to kerbing etc and any repair being "squashed out" rather than "run in" so I think given the choice between £45 and certain death at 80 in the fast lane, I'd choose the new tyre...
Tyre pucture - Dwight Van Driver
Is the escape of air on the rim of the tyre due to the build up of crud on the tyre rim so that there was an imperfect mating allowing air to escape?. Had this on my Disco and repaired by sanding the crud down to ensure a perfect fit.
Suggest it may be well worth trying someone else for an opinion but bear in mind better to be safe that sorry.

Tyre pucture - RichieW
I think most places would be scared of being sued if you had an accident following a blowout on the repaired tyre. I don't know whether your tyre is repairable or not but in this litigious society I reckon a lot of tyre places wouldn't be bothered with the hassle.

I would bet that a lot of tyres deemed reparable ten or fifteen years ago would not be touched now unless repair technology has improved? Just thinking aloud.
Tyre pucture - manymanythanks
This was a sudden loss of air and I think there a hole in that place,
you are all absolutely correct - Better be safe - I will get a second opinion as well
Tyre pucture - BrianW
Modern thinking is that damage which involves the side wall as opposed to the tread (road contact surface) is irrepairable.
Tyre pucture - Dynamic Dave
Had the punture occured in the middle of the tread, and not near the edge, "some" places would have repaired it for you. The side wall flexes as you corner, any patch or plug fitted would simply unstick itself from the tyre. The middle of the tyre only flexes very little, that is why "some" people repair them without worry of a patch/plug detaching itself from the tyre it's adheared to.
IIRC, any wheel/tyre over 13" in diameter cannot have a tube fitted either as low profile tyres (14" and greater) generate more heat.
As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, better safe than sorry where tyres are concerned.
Tyre pucture - vercin

My recent experience, for what its worth;
1) Nail through tread on front tyre. Nail removed and rubber plug inserted by a UK chain. No problem.
2) Screw through the inner "shoulder" of the front tyre, where tread converts to side wall. Same chain refused point blank to repair on safety grounds. I agree.

FYI I have also had a front tyre blow out unexpectedly at 25 mph, car was a pig to control, fortunately I was able to bring it to kerb safely.

Have also lost a rear tyre on Motorway at speed (it ruptured following an accident) again no external sign of problem, no warning.

IMHO, if there is any doubt change it.



Tyre pucture - Cyd
IMHO you've been given sensible advice.
Tyre pucture - Humpy
Tyre pucture - jud
I have on average four punctures a year and have had a lest five tyres repaired to the thread adjacent the side wall, a hot vulcanised repair is carried out which involves the tyre going into a oven. The down side is the last one i had two weeks ago cost £20 up from the previous £15. A cold patch repair can be carried out only around the centre of the tyre.
With tyres costing £95 to replace tyre wear has to be considered, the last two punctures were to nearly new tyres.
Tyre pucture - Cyd
Are places that do this 'hot' process few and far between?
Tyre pucture - TrevorP
All car tyre puncture repairs should be 'vulcanised'.

Tyre pucture - jud
Yes Cyd, in our area we had two so the price was held down, now we only have the one. I was put onto hot vulcanising repairs a long time ago by a friendly tyre fitter who told me were they sent them, the fitter only doing the cold patches, its amassing what can be repaired while i was there last a jcb tyre had a side wall repair were i could have put my fist through, the repairer stated the repair would be stronger than the original tyre wall!
Tyre pucture - THe Growler
Our circumferential expressway the C-5, connects the southern part of Metro Manila with the North.

One stretch has about 10 vulcanizer shops along its length. Travel the C-5 at night and you may well encounter the nails and screws they deliberately strew on the road surface just to make sure their revenue line makes budget. (Note, if you do get a flat and you're a foreigner, do not stop under any circs :-)

Happened to me twice and I always carry an inflating can of that stuff from the US called "Slime?" for instant flat repair. One tire on my hack Honda m/cycle has been running 12 months on the stuff without losing more than usual pressure.