The headlamp bulb on my A140 has just blown.
The origional bulb is an Osram H7/55w.
Whilst it is out (and one blown) is there any point in "upgrading" the bulbs to something like "Phillips Vision Plus H7", "Phillips Blue Vision", "Phillips All Weather" or just stick in a standard Halfords replacement bulb? (i.e /
Any thoughts or recommendations??
I replaced the H4s in my Escort earlier this year with the Phillips 50% brighter bulbs from Powerbulbs. I received the order very quickly but the bulbs are very expensive compared to the standard ones from my local motor factor. If you find the illumination you get from your current bulbs insufficent then consider the upgrade. I do a lot of night driving and think that they were a good investment. I have no experience of little Mercs so I can't really comment on how good the standard lighting is. My car is old and got improvement which might not be apparent on a car with much more modern lenses such as yours. I seem to get blinded by every oncoming newish car on the road these days.
Try searching the Backroom Archive, "bulb upgrade" or "vision plus bulb" both throw up a few relevant threads.
FWIW, I changed my headlight bulbs to the Osram 50% brighter xenon type a month ago, there is definitely a noticeable improvement in visibility, especially at the furthest point away that the headlamp beams reach. Definitely a worthwhile investment, much better on dark wet roads with two-way traffic.
Buy spares in France next time you're over. About £3 each for halogens.
I'm with RichieW on this. Upgrade if you feel your current lighting is poor. I put the Philips bulbs on a Citroen BX and had an instant improvement so much that I can now see past oncoming traffic thanks to the different in light beam. Then replaced those on a Honda Legend with the same Philips bulbs and there is no discernible difference. The free upgraded sidelight bulbs from Powerbulbs made a huge difference, however, over the Legend's rather blackened original bulbs. On the headlights, I presume it is the design of the headlamp glass and reflectors which helps dictate whether you get an improvement or not in some cases.
Like other respondents, I've used the Philips Vision Plus in both of my cars. The H7 bulbs in my Saab 9-5 showed a bigger difference than the H1s in my 9000CSE (still poor in the latter). Similarly, I put some H4s in my old 9000 and the lights were still rubbish!
I've tried all sorts of bulbs in many different cars and the only sure fire way to see more is to change to a higher wattage halogen bulb. These really work, believe me.
The best is 100/80w ie 100 watt main beam and 80 watt dip. I have always been OK with these on standard wiring any more and the loom may catch fire (don't laugh I've burnt the reflectors off the back of a couple of lamps with 160 watt bulbs and melted the plugs off the back)Nice and Bright though. In fact, even dazzling when flashed in daylight! Tee Hee! These are available from most good motor factors particularly the motorsport ones for about a fiver each. However you may have to ask for them as they may be under the counter! They are not exactly what you would call legal! legal is 55/60w Having said that I've used them for 15 years and never been asked about them by the law(well how are you going to tell!) especially with todays lights being much brighter anyway.
Please consider the poor oncoming road users and make sure your lights are properly adjusted. Though its fun burning out there retinas remember if there blinded they can't see you and might hit you!
They'll soon learn to dip the lights quickly though after you've given them both 100 watt barrels once Ha Ha!
Road Rocket,
I use these too and have also found that wattage bigger than 80/100 blackend the reflectors. This is worse on cars that have little space around the bulb eg. BMW dipped beam (single filament).
As far as being illegal, they are but ONLY on cars made after a certain year, can't remember which year. Around 93 I think. Before then the only requirement was a MINIMUM of 35 watts. The powerful bulbs are sold in Halfords, so you just pick them off the shelf rather than having to go under any counter!
Ah well, I don't tend to frequent Halfords so I wouldn't know.
I try and buy them abroad as they are much cheaper.