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Diasbled tax? - RichardW
Bought another car at the weekend, but its taxation class is currently shown as disabled, and it is untaxed. I guess I need to change this to PLG when I tax it (hopefully on Friday). Anybody know the drill?


Diasbled tax? - Dorian
AFAIK you fill in a section on the V5 stating the tax change you need. I guess you then wait until they reply to you with a form to fill in to buy the tax disc for the car. I'd think that until this is done, you cannot drive the car (unless you are registered disabled )
Diasbled tax? - Jonathan {p}
I thought that you just need to go to the Post Office and fill in the correct form to re tax a car. Show them the insurance and MOT and they will give you a tax disc.

It doesn't matter how it was previously taxed (or not).
Diasbled tax? - Jonathan {p}
Its a V10 that you will need to ask for. You will also have to pay for the tax disc :-0
Diasbled tax? - kithmo
You have to go down to the nearest Vehicle licensing office (Not the post office) to get it done on the spot.
Diasbled tax? - Dwight Van Driver
Down to your nearest LVLO (or write to DVLA with your docs, current excise licence and cheque for a new Licence) asap for you can be reported for using a vehicle to which a higher rate of duty is required.
(Section 37 Vehicle Excise & Registration Act 1994)

Full marks for your honesty. How many others would have waited?

Diasbled tax? - Dwight Van Driver
Whoops its Friday the 13th.
Sorry I read the original that it was taxed at the exempt rate for a disabled person.
Now where is MY zimmer frame (GT)

Diasbled tax? - Stonk
So all those flash new BMW's and Mercs with 'disabled' badges not only don't have to pay to park in the best places they don't have to pay tax too???

I think the whole disabled badge system is abused.
Diasbled tax? - RichardW
You have to be in receipt of the highest level of mobility allowance to get free tax, so it's not that abused.

Taxing it was easy at the DVLA Local Office - just change the V5 to PLG, hand it and the tax application form over, and the £160, and they give you a tax disc.

I may not have noticed had the tax remained on it, but I think I also read that the disabled driver has a duty to remove and surrender the nil-rated disc when they sell the car.

Diasbled tax? - kithmo
So all those flash new BMW's and Mercs with 'disabled' badges
not only don't have to pay to park in the best
places they don't have to pay tax too???
I think the whole disabled badge system is abused.
Stonk, you can have my wife's free tax, free parking and mobility allowance (and flash merc if she had one) along with the crippling Rheumatoid arthritis, which means she can only walk a couple of hundred yards at a time without resting, in exchange for your good health. She would gladly give it all up to be normal again. I would not wish the suffering she goes through on anybody, not even you.