Petrol Savers - do they work? - guygamps
Whats the catch

I drive a Jag 4.0 XJS doing about 20mpg so this sounds interesting if it works, but pardon my scepticism!

anyone any experience of such devices?


Petrol Savers - do they work? - paul2007

very interesting but sounds too good to be true.

but if a hj member of long-standing has got one and speaks in favour of it - i will stickone on our jeep hemi - she drinks fuel
Petrol Savers - do they work? - Lygonos

See also Turbonator.
Petrol Savers - do they work? - rtj70
I've got some snake oil you can have for the cost of postage.
Petrol Savers - do they work? - Altea Ego
If you want a pile of poo, fifi my hound will do you some at half the price of this.
Petrol Savers - do they work? - Jcoventry
If your instinct tells you its crap, then it probably is.
Petrol Savers - do they work? - Bagpuss
These things only work if your dilithium crystals have been installed during the summer solstice.
Petrol Savers - do they work? - Old Navy
If they are so good why don't the manufacturers fit them to improve consumption and therefore CO2 emissions to sell more cars to the fleets?
Petrol Savers - do they work? - Harleyman
You're born with the best petrol saver known to man. Your right foot.
Petrol Savers - do they work? - rtj70
I thought injection systems did most of what this describes. But I still have some snake oil going spare. That with Fifi's poo and you're well sorted.
Petrol Savers - do they work? - yorkiebar
You drive an above average costing car: I assume therefore you have a half decent job/lifestyle/income ! (may be wrong but its generalised!)

To have a job/lifestyle of this style I would expect you to be savvy in the ways of the world and be able to determine how this would work; and then wonder why it isnt fitted automatically to every new car ?

But perhaps I was expecting too much ?
Petrol Savers - do they work? - guygamps
Like all the posters above, I feel it is probably a load of old nonsense, snake oil, etc.... Dilithium Crystals being my favourite answer,

I put it "out there" not because I am seriously considering it, but simple to ask the question, just in case (very small chance) a forum member has experience of such device, and also just in case (even smaller chance, far smaller....) that it actually works.

I seriously doubt it though!

Petrol Savers - do they work? - Robin Reliant
I think the fact that it's sold through ebay says it all.
Petrol Savers - do they work? - bell boy
i have two fitted on my car absolutely brilliant they are ,havent had to buy petrol for it for a month now
Petrol Savers - do they work? - bathtub tom
I suppose you have to empty the tank of all the petrol it produces too bb?
Petrol Savers - do they work? - madf
I prefer dilithium crystals: work better at warpdrive..

The vortex means the sub space matrix distorts, so faster than light speed is obtainable at 2 light years per litre...

Edited by madf on 30/12/2009 at 07:38

Petrol Savers - do they work? - Armitage Shanks {p}
Good Grief - look at the pictures of this bit of precision engineering! It looks as though has been made out of a drinks can by a man with a hacksaw! £6 to buy it and £5 to get it posted to you tells you a lot too!
Petrol Savers - do they work? - Clanger
"Aircraft Grade Aluminium"

Probably made by some fly-by-night outfit ...

I'll get me coat
Petrol Savers - do they work? - L'escargot
For the benefit of all you sceptics, here's how it works.
Petrol Savers - do they work? - Clk Sec
>>You're born with the best petrol saver known to man. Your right foot.

Even better when used in conjunction with left foot.

Clk Sec
Petrol Savers - do they work? - catsdad
A quality product? Hope its better than the spelling in his red headlines "Inclduing" for "Including". Maybe he meant "incl dung" and we're back to a pile of wotsit!
Petrol Savers - do they work? - Mapmaker
The best petrol saver, OP - as I seem to recall you have a rather fine motor - is a Ford Ka...

If you need to ask the price of your petrol, you cannot afford the car...
Petrol Savers - do they work? - macavity
If you already had one on your car you could improve the air flow and the efficiency by removing it. If you do not already have one then you have saved yourself the trouble.