Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - Nsar
Least said, soonest mended I find, but I just know I'm going to blurt this out one day soon and then live to regret it.


Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - Jcoventry
Car park spaces should be wide enough to accommodate a large car with its doors fully open on both sides. Obviously this isn't very realistic, as it would mean fewer spaces fitting into a car park, and if someone wanted to build a car park to accommodate hundreds of spaces, it would cost a lot. But when you think about it, there's no reason we motorists should have to squeeze in/out of our cars and worry about not hitting the car parked next to ours. Sometimes it can be a real pain - especially when someone doesn't park within the lines correctly.
Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - welshlad
thankfully i think this is only needed in china obviously their women drivers are consider inept someting i would not be willing to say about our own fairer sex, not without a 200 yard headstart.

besides if it was adopted here for our shopping centers surely for the designated group its aimed at wouldnt the spaces needed to painted in burberry??
Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - Alby Back
Fascinating, it does open up all sorts of possibilities though if we were to identify all the specialist sub groups within the driving community.

We could have short peoples car parking spaces with little sets of steps by the side of each one to ease the process of entering or leaving vehicles. Kilt wearers spaces which could have high hedges round them to curb the prevailing wind, these could be shared by the wig wearers of course. How about assisted spaces with marshalls waving ping pong bats to guide the seriously rubbish parkers in to their specialist spaces ?
Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - Bagpuss
How about assisted spaces with marshalls waving ping pong bats to guide the seriously
rubbish parkers in to their specialist spaces ?

They've thought of that. In the article it says:

"female parking attendants have been trained to help guide women drivers into their parking spaces."
Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - Altea Ego
Great idea, It means the "men only" car park will be full of drivers who dont take ages to get into a space

Specially the "I will wait here and jam the entrance while this person comes out in 5 minutes time, despite the other 75% of the car park being empty" driver.

Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - Big Bad Dave
Or a car park with random bays just painted anywhere at crazy angles, across pavements, exits and crossings - for Polish people.
Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - Big Bad Dave
"Kilt wearers spaces which could have high hedges round them to curb the prevailing wind, these could be shared by the wig wearers"

Would I be right in thinking one (or both) of these is a problem for you...?
Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - Alby Back
Well, I do have a fairly hirsute sporran I suppose.
Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - paul2007
LOL thread - sorry!

Have you been to the usa? did you note the car parks at the larger shopping centres, theme parks/etc? You drive in at a slight angle, reverse out easily and a little turn on the wheel you are off. Why can't we have them here?
Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - Old Navy
At least Costco have imported wide, chevron car parking from the USA. Pity some Brits don't understand the system, drive up the rows in the wrong direction and have to reverse in and block their boot access.

Edited by Old Navy on 28/12/2009 at 21:19

Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - yorkiebar
if only it was womens parking that was the only problem though!

But again it comes back to attitude (and in some cases nervousness).

Ask yourself (no reply needed but no doubt there willbe some) if when you see someone entering a parking bay, do you actually hang back and allow them time for the manouevre or do you crowd them, adding to their problem ?
Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - Big Bad Dave
" if when you see someone entering a parking bay, do you actually hang back and allow them time for the manouevre or do you crowd them, adding to their problem ?"

If they're reversing into the bay I hang back patiently and give them all the time in the world, if they're reversing out I crowd them, hassle them, push past, make things difficult, harass, intimidate, terrorize, bully etc... try and add to their problem.
Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - yorkiebar
Like it !
Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - pda
Well, I think it's the perfect solution:)

I'll reverse an artic around every lane of Tesco's car park any day without a shunt but give me a parking space I can drive in and drive forward out of otherwise I'll go to Sainsbury's.

By the way, it's always men who reverse into parking spaces at the supermarket, and then struggle to get into the boot to pack the shopping away!

Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - Kiwi Gary
Perhaps it is also something to do with the method of licensing in China, which may also explain the 200 road deaths per day. We had a lot of "anti-Asian-drivers" prejudice here because they are often bad drivers. The A.A. investigated, and reported that, in China, all learning and licencing is done on the driving school's tracks. The first time that a new driver is in real live traffic is after he has a full licence.

We are still prejudiced, but pragmatism has taken over and we just keep out of the way. Being part of the International Driving Permit system, we are obliged to allow them to drive here [without taking the local test] within the validity of their IDP's.
Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - grumpyscot
Of course, women only car parks will all be single lane - i.e. drive in, drive out, since the stereotypical woman can't reverse......... (Looks over shoulder in case SWMBO is watching me type!).
Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - notathletic
About ten years ago I was standing outside a large supermarket waiting for it to open. Hundreds of empty parking bays only three of which were occupied all on the same row. So it went car 1 (closest to supermarket door), empty bay, car two, empty bar, car three. For well over two minutes I was kept amused by a woman attempting to get into the empty bay between cars one and two. WHY???? There were about 300 hundred other bays to use but obviously she would have had to walk an extra ten yards or so.
Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - L'escargot
a woman attempting to get into the empty bay between cars one and two. WHY????

She knew her car would feel lonely if it was parked well away from other cars!
Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - pda
Could it be she was taking the opportunity, an a near empty verpark without an audience, to practice in an attempt to make perfect?

Much like those backroomers who have been practising their snow skills in car parks? :)

Women only car park has wider spaces, painted pink - pda
There may be something to interest you here Old Navy



Edited by pda on 29/12/2009 at 07:47