What do you think of Elon Musk? Have your say | No thanks
BMW M3 Evolution - The Great White Virgin
Nice motor, I own one! R17 TJM!!

Any thoughts?

BMW M3 Evolution - Mark (RLBS)
You could always share your thoughts. I mean, a bit more than an arthuresque "nice motor".
BMW M3 Evolution - J Bonington Jagworth
Is 'thinking BMW owner' an oxymoron, perhaps? :-)
BMW M3 Evolution - CM
Is 'thinking BMW owner' an oxymoron, perhaps? :-)

Careful :-)
BMW M3 Evolution - CM
Good for you.
BMW M3 Evolution - Steve S
M3 let me see what thoughts spring to mind. Err, nice car. Drives well (not as well as a Box S, but is more practical).

Overpriced? Certainly and still a 3 series.
BMW M3 Evolution - CM
not the most relaxing car to drive

IMHO over firm springs

not a diesel = bad mpg

can be summed up by its wing mirrors. They obviously don't like the car as they usually wander away and attach themselves to Vauxhall Nova's.
BMW M3 Evolution - Billy
Is this really your car?

I just run it through the vcar system and it has come up as a crash damaged category B.

Good luck

BMW M3 Evolution - Richard_H
Check the glove compartment, if in original condition the stick on chest wig and gold medalion will still be in there.

You can also get cheaper insurance if you can produce evidence of your fake tan and horrendous finance deal.

BMW M3 Evolution - crazed
you may as well put a "w*****" sticker on the back
BMW M3 Evolution - James_Jameson
I am not absolutely certain that it's the same engine, but in the U.S. I believe that there has been a lot of trouble with the M3 engine, of the breaking, "blowing up" sort. Has anyone else heard of this?
BMW M3 Evolution - madf
The US M3 Evolution has a detuned 280BHP version compared to the European 320BHP.. presumably because US mechanics either can't handle the complexity or it will not last long with US drivers.

I fancied one until I drove a 318i.. nice in summer , undriveable in snow unless you have winter tyres.
I am sure an M3 in snow would be a recipe for falling off the Leek-Buxton road into the ditch 100 metres down the side of the road.

This is one aspect I DISLIKE of most TV muttering programs: what use is a fast car if it's unusable 3 months of the year. At least a 4wd Audi will keep going.

Rear wheel drive cars with lots of power and no traction control? For posers and dry weather motoring.

BMW M3 Evolution - TrevorP
Agree with last 2 of madf paras.

HOWEVER, the best BMW i have ever driven ON THE TRACK was
a M3 Evo.

LHD, and i believe a 4-cyl engine.

Nervous as a kitten, but the steering feel was FANTASTIC.

Would probably be b***** useless as an everyday road car.

BMW M3 Evolution - The Watcher
Overpriced 3 series which is really only of any use for, a) pulling birds or b) for use on the autobahns.
BMW M3 Evolution - Richard_H
These really are nothing special. Secondhand, they are well within the reach of most people, especially on an R reg.

Anyone who wants to put their name on a stupid finance deal could own one.

Bit "Carlos Fandango" for me though.