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99 2.0 Hissing noise - BruceT
Hi there.

I own a 2000 'X' (D9) registered Peugeot 406 HDi 90 Saloon with 129,800 miles on it.

I have 'problem' where when I accelerate moderately or full foot to the floor above 1500rpm (ie, when the turbo kicks in) there is an audible hissing noise coming from the engine bay.

With the windows up it appears to be audible through the air vents and bulk head area.
With the windows down it very apparant that there is air (boost?/egr?) leaking.

I should say this noise is seperate from the intial spool of the turbo at 1400-1500rpm.

The noise continues through out the rev range & happens in all gears and on a hot or cold engine.

To go along with this when I turn off the engine after a run and open the bonnet there is a strange noise coming from the bulk head area around the 2 solenoid valves/EGR area. The noise is like a high/low pitched tone which fluctuates.

When tapping either of the solenoids valves on the bulkhead the noise can also be 'made' to fluctuate.

I am guessing these two are linked?

This high/low pitched noise can be stopped by pumping the brake pedal to extinguish any remaing vacuum in the system

What steps should I do to troubleshoot this problem?

I think the problems are/could be

1. EGR diaghram leaking/not sealing when the valve applies vacuum
2. Leaking/not sealing Solenoid valve(s)
3. Leaking pipe work (Although there is not a lot of these since the HDi 90 has no IC)

Any help and feedback would be great.

Thank you,

Edited by BruceT on 09/12/2009 at 21:17