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Swing Wide Stupid Chariot... - b308
Why, oh why do people swing out to the right before turing left?!!!!

I wonder sometimes if I was the only person who was taught that if you wait until the corner is level with your left hand windscreen pillar you can turn left without swinging the car to the right and into oncoming traffic, or me if I'm passing them on a dual carriageway...

(PS I'm refering to car and small van drivers here!!)

Edited by b308 on 09/12/2009 at 16:05

Swing Wide Stupid Chariot... - 1400ted
Because most of them don't have a clue how long/wide the car is and have no idea about turning circles, etc.
They bug me as well !

Swing Wide Stupid Chariot... - Lud
Why, oh why do people swing out to the right before turing left?!!!!

1 They haven't been taught to drive properly
2 They are physically uncoordinated and have poor judgement of distances and vectors
3 They are profoundly and irremediably stupid
4 So stupid that they don't even care

(Not too keen on the carphounds myself 308)

Edited by Lud on 09/12/2009 at 16:10

Swing Wide Stupid Chariot... - Alby Back
My pet hate is car drivers who lean into bends motorcyclist style even at low speeds. That and vacant expressionless mouth breathing at traffic lights. I shall take note of the right swinging left turners now....always good to find something else to feel aggrieved about....

Swing Wide Stupid Chariot... - Old Navy
Aggressive vehicle positioning? Nah, they don't know what positioning is.
Swing Wide Stupid Chariot... - Altea Ego
At speed the fastest line is out wide and cut the Apex,

Anyway if there is nothing coming the other way, why not use as much road as you want.
Swing Wide Stupid Chariot... - b308
Anyway if there is nothing coming the other way, why not use as much road as you want

AE, note:
or me if I'm passing them on a dual carriageway

Lud, spot on!

Edited by b308 on 09/12/2009 at 16:20

Swing Wide Stupid Chariot... - Altea Ego
Lud spot on!

Not at all. I defy any of you to do a sharp left turn by "turning left when the new turn is level with my A post" You need to slow right down to sub mimser speed to achive that little one.

Nope to do it and make progress, you need room. Clearly if someone is about to take your "room" then alas you have to slow down and use the "tip toe round the corner technique" ( and roundly abuse the interloper for cramping your fast line)

Lud I am suprised at you, advocating such mimser teqniques.
Swing Wide Stupid Chariot... - b308
Not at all. I defy any of you to do a sharp left turn by
"turning left when the new turn is level with my A post" You need to
slow right down to sub mimser speed to achive that little one.

I can safely say that I've never had to swing out to the right when turning left, AE, so I, for one, will defy you! ;-)

As for slowing down, if the turning is that sharp and space that restricted when turing then yes, I'll slow down, but that isn't mimsing, its driving safely... there is a difference.

Edited by b308 on 09/12/2009 at 18:26

Swing Wide Stupid Chariot... - Lud
I am suprised at you, advocating such mimser teqniques.

Listen buddy, if you're going significantly faster than the other traffic and there aren't any tiresome cyclists in the way then yes, you can take it in from the outside lane or even give a bulging right-left swerve with advantage.

However, these circumstances are seldom present. Usually you are trailing down the road behind some people who, while not always mimsers, aren't setting the road on fire. You're going to turn left. So if you have any sense and any ability, that is what you do: neatly and briskly without getting in the way of those hurtling down the outer lane for whatever reason. You can do this much faster than most of the screaming twozzers faddling around with the controls of cars could even begin to imagine. Doesn't even get a squeak from the tyres.

So what's the problem AE? You must be going at warp factor 17. What I want to know is how you manage it among all the mimsing carp.

Edited by Lud on 09/12/2009 at 21:28

Swing Wide Stupid Chariot... - 1400ted
Add to my hate list...the one you're following who constantly turns to talk to his passenger with lotes of hand waving to supplement his speech.

Makes you want to drag them out at the next lights and fill offending mouth with a fist.


Edited by 1400ted on 09/12/2009 at 16:18

Swing Wide Stupid Chariot... - LikedDrivingOnce
I'm probably offending some backroomers here, but the thing that drive me nuts is to see people turning the steering wheel with the "wrong hand". i.e. when turning the wheel anti-clockwise, instead of moving the left hand to the 12 o'clock position and pulling the wheel down with the left hand, they move their RIGHT hand to the 12 o'clock position (palm upwards) and then pull the wheel anti-clockwise, twisting their right arm across their body as they do so.
I knew someone who used to do this because they thought that it looked "cool". !!??
I know that most of us are right-handed, but come on..........

Edited by LikedDrivingOnce on 09/12/2009 at 17:53

Swing Wide Stupid Chariot... - teabelly
For some narrow single lane turns you have to do this or you knock the back of the car off! It generally depends on the type of turn as to whether you need to do so. Generally you don't. If the turn contains parked cars on the left of the road swinging further out can give you a better view up the road as you turn in. There isn't any need to cross the white lines, or shouldn't be unless the turn is exceptionally tight.
Swing Wide Stupid Chariot... - Alby Back
I don't think I swing right even in the Mondeo estate which is longish. Going to have to check now.
Swing Wide Stupid Chariot... - oilrag
An older Gentleman once crushed the side of my newish Fiesta by swinging left, to turn right.

He was in his 80`s by the look of him and he knew it was his fault, first accident in a lifetime. His wife was there in the car too and they were both very distressed by it.
Damage done and so on, but I was more concerned about how they would both feel that night and into the future. I pointed out to him that his (Polo`s) front bumper was untouched and that my car would just need a new door skin. That seemed to cheer them up a little, that there was no unpleasantness.

I`m only mentioning age in this context because there was a distinct vulnerability in this (particular) couple and I had concerns for stress affecting them.

What does any of it matter anyway, regarding possessions. Who would balance damage to a car against causing another person distress?

(I bought a new Polo shortly after.)

Edited by oilrag on 09/12/2009 at 18:36

Swing Wide Stupid Chariot... - perro
Perhaps we should ban corners - The Romans had the right idea.
Swing Wide Stupid Chariot... - bathtub tom
SWMBO didn't believe she was doing this until I told her to try going round a corner by only turning the wheel one way.

The underhand/palm up approach to turning the wheel horrifies me. Try telling the perpetrator they need to suddenly swing the other way to avoid a child! I was a passenger with a guy who races on track that does this. I asked if he did it on track. He didn't reply.