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When did Euro III become mandatory in the UK? - Alanovich
I am looking for a car to buy for someone to export and register in Serbia. In order to register a car in Serbia, it must be Euro III compliant at least.

The ultimate owner isn't bothered about it being RHD, as used cars are so much cheaper here, and also the Euro/Pound exchange rate has made it even more attractive. Although if we can find an LHD so much the better (yes, I know that these are usually more expensive here and attract mainland European prices, rather than UK ones).

So, I think the best approach is to find out when Euro III became mandatory in the UK and buy a car manufactured or registered after that date. Snag: I can't find this date anywhere on the internet. Does anyone here know it by any chance?

Finally: insurance. Will this person be able to get temporary insurance in the UK using my address, to cover him for his drive to Dover and thence through the EU to the Serbian border?

Thanks for any advice.
When did Euro III become mandatory in the UK? - jc2
Type Euro iii standard into Wikipedia.
When did Euro III become mandatory in the UK? - rtj70
EuroIV cars were out in 2003 so it was quite some time before then at a guess.
When did Euro III become mandatory in the UK? - Dave_TD
Wikipedia has Euro III as coming in from January 2000 - ie a few late V registered vehicles and all W reg and newer.

When did Euro III become mandatory in the UK? - Alanovich
Thanks Dave, maybe I wasn't reading the page right. We'll go for something W or later, then.
When did Euro III become mandatory in the UK? - Alanovich
Thanks jc2, but that wiki page isn't very helpful. It simply states "2000" as a date. This doesn't help me pin down the date after which new cars registered in the UK had to be compliant to Euro 3.

Unless I'm bieng thick and can't spot the info.

Edited by Alanovich on 03/12/2009 at 12:04

When did Euro III become mandatory in the UK? - Dave_TD
I just re-read the Wikipedia article but missed the edit on here, so please disregard my above comment and substitute this for it instead:

Wikipedia has Euro III requirement for construction of new passenger cars as coming in from January 2000, with a limit of one year after this for them to be first registered.

"All dates listed in the tables refer to new type approvals. The EC Directives also specify a second date ? one year later ? which applies to first registration (entry into service) of existing, previously type-approved vehicle models."

Therefore to guarantee eligibilty you would need to buy a Y-reg car or newer, however some V-, W- and X- registrations may qualify.
When did Euro III become mandatory in the UK? - Alanovich
Dave, that's great. Thank you.
When did Euro III become mandatory in the UK? - Rattle
My car was made in July in 1999 in spain and registered in the UK in September 1999. It is a Euro II engine and these engines were made unmodified until late 2000 when the Corsa C came out.

I don't think it was an exact date more of a phasing, e.g any new cars introduced into the market and probably was a date when cars are no longer allowed to be sold, I thought that date was 2001.

A classic example if the Fiesta circa 1996/97 the classic was still on sale which was no where near Euro II complient, yet was still sold. The Euro II engines of the MK4 were introduced in 1995 buit because the MK3.5 was still sold as the classic until the Ka was ready it meant a lot of of cars were sold up until 97 which did not meet Euro II standards as far as I know.

Edit Dave TD explains it in a much clearer way that what I am trying to above :)

Edited by Rattle on 03/12/2009 at 12:41