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leaky mondeo - spevans
I have recently purchased a Mondeo. 1999 T plate 2.0 glx.All though i am pleased with the car, it seems to be leaking water into the boot. Has anyone else had this problem and is there a comman repair for this motor.
leaky mondeo - blank
Certainly been discussed here b4. Try a search of the archive. IIRC the problem was the sealing around the rear lights.

I have retained this information because I own a similar car, but haven't had the problem (yet)

leaky mondeo - misterp
Yes it is almost certainly the rear light unit. I used a sealant from motor world to do the outer aspect as it was black and some white bathroom sealant inside. Been ok for 3 years (touch wood!).Only affected the RHS. Seems to affect most mondeos.
leaky mondeo - smokie
A friend had exactly yhe same, leaky offside rear light. Tried sealant but eventually bought a new cluster which cured it.
leaky mondeo - mutley
My s reg mondeo leaked in the boot and I traced the leak to a faulty mastic joint above/behind the tailgate hinge.

In my case if you pit your hand up to the underside iof the rear wing ie inside the boot their was a metal flange that was constantly wet

Hope this helps
