99 1.8 How do I clean the MAF? - ronsam
can some one advise me on how i can clean the MAF meter on my car

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 26/10/2009 at 21:19

99 1.8 How do I clean the MAF? - macavity
Very gently. MAF easily damaged, best not to try cleaning it. But if you have no choice then aerosol carb-cleaner / brakedisc type solvent and cotton bud. BUT only if you have to and even then best not to. Or ask these people:www.bba-reman.com/uk/index.aspx
99 1.8 How do I clean the MAF? - ronsam
Thanks for your reply, will heed your advice, it seems it would be safer to replce the MAF, it's to do with a acceleration problem