I Have a Question - Volume 315 [Read only] - Dynamic Dave

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Edited by Dynamic Dave on 02/10/2009 at 11:32

0906 phone number - bintang
Like most readers of a current magazine, I have used the scratch card enclosed in it and find I may have won £25,000. Or maybe only £10. I need to call the above number to find out. I have never used such a number before and fear it may cost me £50 or some other bit of extortion to get connected. Can anyone with experience advise please?

Details of mag removed

Edited by Pugugly on 29/09/2009 at 12:37

0906 phone number - daveyjp
Read the small print - it should say how much it costs (at least £1.50 per minute) and how long the call will last (usually at least 10 minutes).

Only call from a phone where you aren't paying the bill!

Edited by Pugugly on 29/09/2009 at 12:33

0906 phone number - bintang
Read the small print - it should say how much it costs

I did read it first but the only information is for the Republic of Ireland, where the cost is "no more than" 12 Euros.

Edited by Pugugly on 29/09/2009 at 12:33

0906 phone number - Altea Ego
Think about why they are doing it. They are doing it to make money. Your money if you let them.

Edited by Pugugly on 29/09/2009 at 12:33

0906 phone number - daveyjp
If it only contains ROI info it's probably breaking all sorts of regs and will scam you.

Save it for lighting the Nov 5th bonfire.

Edited by Pugugly on 29/09/2009 at 12:34

0906 phone number - Martin Devon
How on earth do you think they make this pay for them? Please...............

Edited by Pugugly on 29/09/2009 at 12:34

0906 phone number - bintang
How on earth do you think they make this pay for them? Please...............

I think they charge for phone calls and use the pooled income to pay prizes, pay their expenses and allow for their profit. This seems quite normal in itself, but it depends on what strings are are attached and it will not be possible to find out without phoning. So I wont.

Edited by Pugugly on 29/09/2009 at 12:35

0906 phone number - maz64
Sometimes there's a guaranteed prize, but it tends to be something like vouchers entitling you to money off an expensive holiday, not the attractive electronic goods pictured on the card.

Edited by Pugugly on 29/09/2009 at 12:32

0906 phone number - jbif
These phone numbers are supposedly regulated by "phonepayplus" (don't you love the choice of name for a regulator! )
But even so some rogues do take advantage. Here is a recent adjudication against a scratch card operator (not suggesting that they are linked in any way to bintang's posted phone number)


Edited by Pugugly on 29/09/2009 at 12:32

0906 phone number - Pugugly
Funnily enough a Google search on the number only brings this thread up. So please don't slag it off as it will breach NandS rules - haven't got the time now to re-edit.

Second thoughts - major surgery coming up.

Edited by Pugugly on 29/09/2009 at 12:32

0906 phone number - jbif
Second thoughts - major surgery coming up. >>

You need only excise the last seven digits of the number. 0906 is enough to dientify a premium rate call.

I know that ! - just that every posting needs to be corrected

Edited by Pugugly on 29/09/2009 at 12:36

0906 phone number - jbif
I know that ! - just that every posting needs to be corrected >>

;-) I thought by "major surgery" you might chop the lot!
0906 phone number - Altea Ego
>> Second thoughts - major surgery coming up. >>
You need only excise the last seven digits of the number. 0906 is enough to
dientify a premium rate call.
I know that ! - just that every posting needs to be corrected

Dont you lot have a find and replace funtion?
0906 phone number - rtj70
No there is no find and replace. And a thread with lots of posts need each post editing. So if the title is wrong and needs fixing on all posts, it can take some time.
0906 Phine Number - maltrap
I think magazines that allow these cards should re-think. Their reputation is being marred by them.

Edited by Pugugly on 29/09/2009 at 12:35

0906 Phine Number - bell boy
whats a phine number you got me into stanley?
0906 Phone Number - Pugugly
See what happens when you're being nagged.
0906 Phone Number - crunch_time
"These phone numbers are supposedly regulated by "phonepayplus" (don't you love the choice of name for a regulator! )"

That makes a change - usually it's 'of'something. Offthehook?

Material and construction of a football - L'escargot
When I was a youth I knew exactly what a football was made of. The outer casing was made of leather panels stitched together. Inside was a rubber bladder. The bladder had a tube attached to it which was used for inflation. After inflation the tube was tied up to make it air-tight, folded over and tied up again, and then pushed into the outer casing via a laced slot. Finally the slot was laced up with a leather lace and the loose ends of the lace were pushed inside.

However .......... I recently asked two football-mad teenagers (one of which plays for a local youth league team) how a current football was made and they couldn't tell me. Neither of them even knew what material the outer casing was!

So .......... what is the material and method of construction of a current football?
Material and construction of a football - maz64
Material and construction of a football - L'escargot

Thanks, Focus.
Material and construction of a football - Nsar
>>either of them even knew what material the outer casing was!<<

Unless I've misunderstood, neither did you!

How does understanding how a ball is made affect your ability to kick it?
Material and construction of a football - L'escargot
Unless I've misunderstood ..........

You have.
How does understanding how a ball is made affect your ability to kick it?

I just wanted to know the material and method of construction.
Material and construction of a football - maz64
"Oi! Pass the truncated icosahedron!" :-)
The "Mobility Scooter Scrappage Scheme". - FotheringtonThomas
This advertised in "The Daily Telegraph" last Saturday.

"Is your Mobility Scooter over 2 years old? If so, you are entitled to claim £1,500 worth of scrappage vouchers today".

Cynical, moi?

Does anyone know about this? A relative heard about it. They 'phoned (0800 822 3833) to be told that a list of participating outlets was not "to hand", and stuff would have to be posted. I rang to ask about the T&Cs. mentioned in the ad., and was told they too were not "to hand", and that stuff would have to be posted.

I wish my dahlias grew like my increasing cynicism in this case.

I suppose that the "scheme" offers £1,500 off the *list price* which no-one pays, given that 50% off list (which can be £3,500!) is available in many cases anyway (and possibly with the old machine taken too in this "deal").

Any ideas?

Edited by FotheringtonThomas on 29/09/2009 at 17:44

The "Mobility Scooter Scrappage Scheme". - madux
This is disgusting. Needs to be reported to Trading Standard etc.
The "Mobility Scooter Scrappage Scheme". - FotheringtonThomas
Hang on a jiffy, I am not sure that the above is actually what is happening - that's why I ask. Should it be so, it would be a bit of a chiz, of course.
Digital retune Mess - Altea Ego
What a mess up this digital retune has been. I have blank channels, miisnamed channels int he programe guide, duplicate channels. Everyone is having issues with this and I have had to manually delete duplicates
Digital retune Mess - cheddar
What a mess up this digital retune has been. >>

Factory reset of the PVR or digibox should do it, rather than a retune.
Digital retune Mess - Altea Ego
err no.

not when the multiplexors are putting out duplicate station identities, no station identity on live streams, and station identity on blank streams, and wrong epg's on wrong channels.

Seems to affect CP and the surrounding masts

Digital retune Mess - bell boy
got to i agree with AE ive had the same problem tonight so given up till tommorrow
Digital retune Mess - rtj70
Sounds like a nightmare! And what about those not remotely technical.

Our area gets switched over to digital in November but we watch Virgin Media boxes. So okay for now. TVs not even plugged into the aerial.

But where we hope to move to has a communal Satellite dish and probably no cable laid.... so researching Quattro LNBs, switches etc. or it Freeview only for us soon ;-(
Digital retune Mess - Stuartli
I've retuned an integrated LCD TV, a set top box and my computer's DTB PCI TV card in under half-an-hour earlier this afternoon - no sweat.

Mind you, with being in the Winter Hill area, we'll have to retune in November (BBC2) and then again in December when the full digital switchover is made....:-)
Digital retune Mess - rtj70
I'm Winter Hill too although the nearest analogue transmitter is not that one... When they switch the other base stations to digital broadcasts and up the power etc I might try again. Probably need a new aerial but we actually have cable for the extra channels anyway.
Digital retune Mess - Stuartli
>>I'm Winter Hill too although the nearest analogue transmitter is not that one... >>

Do you mean you are served by a relay transmitter?

Winter Hill's analogue transmissions are some 500KW, one of the highest, if not the highest, outputs in the UK. They can be picked up as far south as Staffordshire and across to Anglesey in North Wales.

Current digital multiplexes' (MUX) individual transmission strength is 10KW, which will each increase to 100KW with the full digital switchover in December.

Winter Hill B details:


Winter Hill:


Edited by Stuartli on 01/10/2009 at 01:21

Digital retune Mess - rtj70
I think the term probably is a relay transmitter. Before thinking about upgrading the area some time in the past I checked which transmitter we were likely to use for our area and it wasn't actually Winter Hill. Maybe it was Saddleworth? Can't remember without checking.

But for digital, with such weak signals at the moment I know I probably would need a new aerial. I'd hold off (or never do it) until the switch-over. We have Virgin Media in more than one room including their V+ service.

Now if we move to a house we like then it all changes ;-)

Just checked one website and we can probably pickup signals from Winter Hill (obvious), Saddleworth and Moel-y-Parc. And it states we may get inference.... we'll see in November.

Edited by rtj70 on 01/10/2009 at 01:28

Digital retune Mess - Altea Ego
well down here we now have:
channel 800 thats tagged with channel 5 epg but no channel 5.
channel 5 is on 5 with the 5 epg.
ITV2 is called ITV2 and is on channel 6 and has ITV2 but one called ITV which is in fact ITV2+1 on channel 32
One blank channel (27) which is tagged with ITV2 EPG but displays the ITV2 has moved if you select it
and one new blank channel called "news"

Its happend on the PC, the bedroom set and the main set, all factory reset before re-tuning

The PVR is a nightmare, if you record channel 5 it records 800 and 5 locking out two tuners, becuase its EPG linked. I have now deleted channel 800.

It was worse, earlier we had three ITV 4's at one point with two ITV4 epg links. They fixed that around 7 oclock.

Digital retune Mess - maz64
Just retuned our PVR, and after going through the channel list the only odd thing I can see is a second ITV2 on channel 33. I think the transmitter is 'Berks & North Hants'.
Digital retune Mess - maz64
the only odd thing I can see is a second ITV2 on channel 33.

In fact it's ITV2+1, not a duplicate, although the label wasn't coming up on the quick info.
Digital retune Mess - daveyjp
Did both ours last night, but as we use cable most of the time I didn't bother to look at what had been done.

I do know madam DJP could watch Little Princess and Mr Men this morning before going to nursery using digital TV channel 5.

Our service is via Emley Moor.
Digital retune Mess - SpamCan61 {P}
No worries down here using Rowridge IoW, at least on the one PVR I've bothered retuning. Biggest hassle was manually deleting all the carp channels from the listing after the re-tune. Oh, and I thought the HDD had lost all its recordings, that was a false alarm thankfully - I did a first time install rather than a re-tune and it looked like it was formattinmg the HDD 8@0.
Digital retune Mess - maz64
While looking through the channels I noticed that Quest (38) has finally started broadcasting actual programmes instead of the 'coming soon' which they've been showing for months (not sure when it actually started).

Lots of old Ironside, TJ Hooker, video clip compilation programmes etc. BUT tonight at 9.30: 'Industrial Junkie' - 'Jonny Smith travels to deepest Transylvania to watch progress on Europe's biggest motorway project and all the weird and wonderful machines used in the process'. Could be programme of the day :-)
Digital retune Mess - Stuartli
>>.. (not sure when it actually started)...>>

It was due to start three or four months ago, but had to be put back for "a number of commercial factors" according to Discovery TV.

It finally got under way yesterday as part of the Freeview revamp on Channel 38 (not 47 as originally intended).
Digital retune Mess - bell boy
Thanks for the quest heads up,i was looking forward to that first time round
Digital retune Mess - maz64
Thanks for the quest heads up i was looking forward to that first time round

So was I. But now I've seen the programme listings... :-(
(apart from Industrial Junkie that is)
Digital retune Mess - bell boy
watched industrial junkie,the tyre one was fascinating and i liked the guys style doing the programme
Digital retune Mess - maz64
watched industrial junkie

Drat! Forgot all about it, was forced to sit through a recording of Location Location Location.

Ah well, if Quest is anything like the other lesser Freeview channels there won't be a shortage of opportunities to watch it again.
Digital retune Mess - perro
Here in the SW, we're totally Digital now ... retuned 2 integrated LCD's, one Freeview box and my recently acquired Digital DVD recorder - No problemo.
One sort of problem I have is my signal strength is too strong!
On my 2 Panasonic LCD's I can check out the signal quality + signal strength via menu - set up - tuning menu.
I have recently fitted a variable attenuator and set it to 20db of attenuation, but the signal strength is *still* too strong, I can see the transmitter from my house btw.
The LCD in the office/study (read dining room!) is using an ole V aerial from an old 14" Sony and the signal strength is about 75% which is fine.
The main aerial (in the loft) is antediluvian and my m8 reckons if I upgrade it I may well 'see' a difference - which defies logic really but - I'ma gonna try it anyways.
Digital retune Mess - SpamCan61 {P}
If you've got too much signal now then I'm not sure what a new aerial will achieve anything useful, a lower gain aerial will reduce the signal level but may also start pulling in signals from other transmitters, which you don't want to happen. I'd shove more attanuation in, stick a couple of 20 dB attenuators in series or summat.
Digital retune Mess - perro
>>>I'm not sure what a new aerial will achieve anything useful<<<

No, me neither S/C but I've actually got a new aerial laying about so I'll give it a try anyway.

>>>stick a couple of 20 dB attenuators in series<<<

Is that 'city & guilds' like? probably the best course of action I spose.
Digital retune Mess - SpamCan61 {P}
If you intend swapping the aerials then check the colour code on the end cap, hopefully it'll be the same as the current one.

Digital retune Mess - Stuartli
Our Winter Hill's digital signals will increase 10-fold from 10KW to 100KW in December - struck me a while back that many people will be/may be suffering from too strong a signal.
Digital retune Mess - perro
>>>Our Winter Hill's digital signals will increase 10-fold from 10KW to 100KW<<<

Yes indeed Stuart, on one of those sites you kindly gave me when I was having PVR problems, it stated that even 80% signal strength can be too strong!
Boosting signal is all very well for receivers 'on the fringe' but it could affect picture quality elsewhere.
My strong signal most definitely affected my PVR recordings, but I returned it due to the hum anyway.
Digital retune Mess - Stuartli
Some general information:


Digital retune Mess - perro
Thanks Stuart, I'll have to see if my friend has a DTT meter,
Another thing I noticed when I was fitting the variable attenuator was that even if I held the aerial lead 10cm (is that 4") apart from the TV, I could still get an excellent picture!
Also, I noticed a tingling feeling from the co-ax connector on the aerial lead! my m8 reckons I could be allergic to aerials (hehe!)
Digital retune Mess - perro
>>>I'll have to see if my friend has a DTT meter<<<

Ah! ~ tinyurl.com/ybyjg79
Digital retune Mess - SpamCan61 {P}
Well yes, but you already know you've got too much signal - a 4 inch gap is pretty impressive - I'd spend the money on a few attenuators.

Interesting link Stu, RF propogation is a funny thing, despite all DAB signals being vertically polarised I get the best reception on the kitchen portable with the antenna almost horizontal.
Digital retune Mess - Altea Ego
by the time they are bounced around your kitchen walls they are at all angles of polarisation. You only need to worry about polarisation with external antenna.
Digital retune Mess - SpamCan61 {P}
Yeah, even outside they get bounced around a bit; I used to spend a fair bit of my day job looking at differences between Walfisch-Ikegami and Okumura-Hata propogation models, but the maths always did made my brain hurt.
Digital retune Mess - bathtub tom
I get my best digital TV signal on an old horizontally polarised VHF loft aerial.

It was originally used for 405 transmissions and then I hijacked it for VHF radio when I bought a 'new fangled' UHF aerial.
Digital retune Mess - perro
>>>I'd spend the money on a few attenuators.<<<

I'll try that S/C, I don't suppose using multiple attenuators could degrade the picture at all?
I feel like its 1980 again and I'm getting a bit OCD about wow & flutter, signal to noise ratio, woofers & tweeters
I'll also try bathtubs idea of trying the aerial perpendicular to the horizontal to see if it weakens the signal.
As I said b4 - on my 19" Pana, the signal strength is showing about 75% and the signal quality is 100% via an old 14" Sony V aerial which is ideal.
Digital retune Mess - SpamCan61 {P}
Well at some point you'll have too much attenuation and the picture will start degrading, but if you're getting a good picture with a 4inch air gap that's got to be a good 40dB of attenuation at least so I'm thinking acouple of 20s one after the other will probably be about right.
Digital retune Mess - SpamCan61 {P}
Actually, having had a quick play in the lab, then 60 - 70 dB is more like it using connectors about the same size as TV ones over the TV broadcast frequency range.
Digital retune Mess - perro
>>> Actually, having had a quick play in the lab ...

Cheers S/C, I'll get them on ebay like the last one for about £4 inc. p&p
When I had the Digihome PVR, recording from beeb 1 or 2 resulted in what I called dropouts whereby the image would miss a frame or 3, (weird to explain)
So I tried recording channel 5 which is a weaker signal, and the recording was OK - so I obviously put the prob down to the signal being too strong (and some!)
BTW, channel 5 is as strong as the beeb's now - after Wednesdays retune.
Anyway, thanks for your help - I probably sound a pain in the gluts but my telly is a 100Hz critter, so I obviously want a good signal (but not too good!)
Digital retune Mess - Chips with everything
Make a note of all programmes in the record schedule and delete all channels.

Try rescanning and see how the EPG looks - it should be fine, if not then there's a full reset to do (which will still keep your recordings).

I've got a Humax PVR myself but I haven't retuned it yet.
Digital retune Mess - L'escargot
The EPG on our Freeview box has an ITV2+1 channel labelled ITV and a non-functioning channel 5 entry with no label but we can live with those two errors.
Tomato plants - 1400ted
We were given a mature tomato plant this year by a neighbour. It produces loads of cherry toms, last harvest this week produced 38 and there are still quite a lot of green ones to ripen.
The leaves are goinmg brown now. My query is, if I move this plant into the conservatory, will it survive until next year and if so, what do I do to look after it. It's quite warm in there when the sun is out...it's south facing. Or are tomato plants a one-off annual ?
Any tomato orientated enthusiasts out there ?

Tomato plants - pda
No it won't last until next year Ted.

But a packet of seeds are about £2, just plant them in February in a 5'' pot pop it all in a polythene bag on a windowsill until you can see them growing.

Then pot on individually, the 3 or 4 biggest and strongest ones. In April or May go and buy a growbag and put it in a sheltered spot in the garden. When all the frosts have gone and you have gradually got the seedlings used to the cold, plant them in the growbag.
Now you have tomatoes all summer long!

You can bring your plant in to allow the remaining tomatoes to ripen though this year but after that it will die.

Tomato plants - terryb
...or better still, save some seeds from one of this year's ripe tomatoes. Dry them on a bit of kitchen towel on a sunny windowsill, then procede as above.

Tomato plants - Mapmaker
You may get some more tomatoes off it yet. Bring it indoors and hope for the best. If you can leave a fluorescent light on in there over night it might keep flowering and fruiting (cannabis growers know what they're doing). Lack of daylight hours - combined with the cold - will otherwise stop it. Keep feeding it.

For next year, tomatoes are very easy to grow from seed. You can also propogate them from cuttings.
Tomato plants - 1400ted
Thanks for that, guys and gals...I nearly mis-read Pat's answer as ' parakeet seeds '!
I'll try the ' polly bag ' system and I'll also save some seeds from this crop.
My gardening skills are on a par with my computer skills...I'm good with gravel and evergreens and bits of cars seem to flourish ok !

Self employment into employment, tax issues ? - cheddar

I have a very attractive offer to move back into employment after a few years of being self employed.

A few issues will surely arise though the first one that comes to mind is that I cannot issue myself with a P45, I assume I will go onto an emergency tax code and it will sort itself out upon completion of the 2010-11 tax return.

My business is VAT registered though not limited.

Any ideas?

Self employment into employment, tax issues ? - Mapmaker
You will fill out a P46: Start here



You will probably want to deregister for VAT - call the tax office.

Stop paying monthly NI by direct debit - call the people who deal with your NI and tell them you're no longer self employed.

Remember you're currently paying your income tax 6-monthly on account, so you will need to keep some cash to deal with this.

(Are you going to continue doing some self-employed freelance work, in which case, ignore some of the above.)
Self employment into employment, tax issues ? - cheddar
Thanks MM!!

P46, great!

Very little if any freelance work though it would be good to keep the company dormant, what are the implications of keeping the VAT reg in place?

Turnips at Christmas (Romany Custom??) - Martin Devon
Been nagging at me for months now, but last Xmas we had some Turnips left by the Garden gate. I think I know who 'done the deed', but I was wondering if this rings any chords with anyone here. Was it just a decent gesture or is there some significance in it. Very good they were too.

No, I have NOT been drinking!

Turnips at Christmas (Romany Custom??) - jbif
Was it just a decent gesture or is there some significance in it. >>

He/she was hoping to observe you plant the turnip:

Turnips at Christmas (Romany Custom??) - Altea Ego
Its devon.

Many strange things happen with veg in Devon.

In fact

even without the veg.,

Strange people
Turnips at Christmas (Romany Custom??) - Martin Devon
You should know RF
Computer Games Consoles - BobbyG
11 year old son is wanting a new games console for Xmas.
Currently has a PS2 .

Choices are new PS3 or new Xbox 360 (Elite?)

What are pros and cons to each of these? I believe you can now go online with them and play other gamers??

Any advice / thoughts would be appreciated.
Computer Games Consoles - Martin Devon
Son 'would like'.
Computer Games Consoles - Rattle
Buy him a Commodore 64, he will learn proper fun computer games and hopefully learn some programming while he is at it.
Computer Games Consoles - cheddar
PS3, much better graphics, new model uses less power, brilliant online gaming, great functionality.
Computer Games Consoles - bathtub tom
Before I retired, I was at a staff meeting and had to ask "what's a PS2?"

I worked in communications technology. ;>(
Computer Games Consoles - Rattle
As for as I am concerned a PS2 is a type of DIN connector used on keyboards and mice. First introduced on IBM PS/2 and still found on motherboards today.
Computer Games Consoles - rtj70
And they had such poor build quality those PS/2's. My comprehensive (so talking over 20 years ago) got two initially and the head master was taking one home for the summer break. The model 50 (with hard disk) was not working but the model 30 (twin floppy) was....

... so he took the model 30 home. I borrowed the model 50 for the summer. And fixed it in 2 minutes. He was happy to get the PC that worked mind but I got as a sixth former the better deal.

... how did I manage that though!?!? But I did ;-)

But I digress.

To answer the original question I think it depends on the type of games the son wants. Some would prefer an XBOX 360 (I think I would) and others the PS/3. And others the Wii.
Computer Games Consoles - Stuartli
A PS2 is a games console.

A PS/2 connection is used to connect the keyboard and mouse to most computer systems and dates back to the mid-1980s, the name being derived from the IBM Personal System/2 series on which it first appeared.

Just being a bit pedantic...:-)
Computer Games Consoles - Pugugly
and even more pedantic has no connection to a DIN plug as it originated on a different continent.
Computer Games Consoles - rtj70
IBM Personal System/2

But this was often referred to as the IBM PS/2. It all was meant to link in with IBM/Microsoft OS/2 from a name perspective.

OS/2 Warp (still have the CDs) was pretty good in the 1990s.

So a PS/2 is a computer or the connection that was adopted when the IBM PS/2 computers came out.
Computer Games Consoles - Off topic - Rattle
I used to buy them to sell on in the late 90's when I was 13/14 my parents nearly had a fit when they found out what I was upto. My mate had a little shed at the back of his house and we sold old IBM PS/2s from that. We would buy 486 SXs for around £30 and I would do the software side of things and sell them on for a nice profit. My parents soon put a stop to it when they found out!

I liked them because they were so instandard they were worthless on the used market, so you could buy them cheap and offer people a multimedia PC at dirt cheap money.

I used to run OS/2 Warp on my old 486 SX2, seem to remember you could run windows 3.1 programs from within but you had to have windows installed.

I realise that PS/2 has no connection with DIN I should have said DIN style :).

Our PC selling business all started when we bought a 1988 Tandon 386 must have cost £1000's when it was new, it had a 40MB MFM hard drive. I learnt how to build computers from that PC. It sounded like a vacumn cleaner too. I then buying an IDE controller for it which had about 25 different jumper settings.

I used to love repairing those old computers, modern systems are too easy it is no fun.
Computer Games Consoles - Stuartli
>>I realise that PS/2 has no connection with DIN I should have said DIN style :).>>

You weren't that far off Rattle..:-)

The PS/2 mouse connector replaced the older DE-9 RS-232 Serial mouse connector and the PS/2 keyboard connector, in turn, the larger 5-pin DIN used in the IBM PC/AT design.

At the time IBM issued technical specifications for such matters, in similar fashion to that of Intel who laid down the requirements amongst others, for example, for motherboards, power supply units (PSU) and ATX/BTX cases.

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 02/10/2009 at 11:43

Computer Games Consoles - idle_chatterer
But this was often referred to as the IBM PS/2. It all was meant to
link in with IBM/Microsoft OS/2 from a name perspective.
OS/2 Warp (still have the CDs) was pretty good in the 1990s.

I think that there are still 'embedded' devices like cash machines and Point of Sale Tills out there running OS/2. Originally OS/2 included Windows emulation but when IBM and Microsoft 'parted company' (at OS/2 2.1 if you really need to know) it only installed if it detected Windows on the hard drive......

I've heard Sony Play station 2's described as PS2s before - note the lack of a '/'

Trivia fact: PS3, XBOX 360 and WII all have closely related CPU chips in them, they're based on the Power architecture (as were Macs once of course) and come from IBM.
Computer Games Consoles - Rattle
I never really got consoles as I have always been a PC man but I do think the PS3 and Xbox offer great value for the money when you consider how much PC video cards cost. That said I don't play computer games enough to make buying one worth while.

The only games console I own was bought in a charity shop for £10 and was made in 1977 by Fairchild.

I remember the original xbox which was basiicaly a mobile PIII.
Computer Games Consoles - SpamCan61 {P}
I never really got consoles as I have always been a PC man but I
do think the PS3 and Xbox offer great value for the money when you consider
how much PC video cards cost.

I think thye're a loss leader for the games basically, given that console costs about the same as 3 - 4 games. My only gaming machine is an original xbox bought for 40 quid with games when Argoose were selling them off, been meaning to do an XBMC conversion for about 3 years but haven't got round to it.

A someone's already pointed out I think the console choice comes down to what games you want to play. I'm assuming the Microsoft have overcome the xbox 360 'red ring of death' by now?
Computer Games Consoles - rtj70
I'm assuming the Microsoft have overcome the xbox 360 'red ring of death' by now?

The latest machines have a main processor putting out less heat - so ought to be fixed. But the warranty extension for this problem has been well handled. Step-son who bought an XBOX 360 second hand (I tried warning him going second hand due to warranty) recently had the red ring of death. Fixed under warranty (first warranty long expired) and picked up/dropped-off by courier all for free.
Computer Games Consoles - maz64
My 12 year old son has a Wii, but he feels he's too old for it and now wants a 'proper' console. One of his friends has a PS3 which he's played on a fair bit, and he quite likes it. But my 21/22 year old stepsons who still live with us have an Xbox 360, and that's what he would like (but we're not going to get him one). Stepsons spend a lot of time on the 360 - they seem to like it a lot, although of course that doesn't mean it's better than the PS3. I think when they got the 360 it was significantly cheaper than the PS3 - not sure what the difference is now.

One advantage of the PS3 is the built-in Bluray player.

Not sure about the PS3 but the 360 comes in a number of different versions, and son definitely doesn't want the cheapest version (Arcade?) - it either doesn't have a hard disk or it's very small, which limits what you can do with it. So watch out for that.

Personally I don't think you can beat Lunar Jetman on the Spectrum.

BTW excellent programme 'Gameswipe' by Charlie Brooker on BBC4 earlier in the week, which was his IMO very funny take on the console/computer games scene, but included a short but fairly comprehensive history of the genre from pong to the present. Worth catching if it's repeated.
Increased cash ISA limit - L'escargot
Is the planned cash ISA limit increase from £3600 to £5100 still valid from October 6th for over 50s?
Increased cash ISA limit - drbe
I thought it was going up to £10,200 or £10,600. That's what I have been planning toward.
Increased cash ISA limit - bathtub tom
As I understand it, for over 50s, the overall ISA limit is increasing to £10.2K, and the cash ISA limit will be half that.
Increased cash ISA limit - Pugugly
Yes still going ahead - lots of reports of misunderstanding and mishandling by banks - my own Bank told me I had to be 55 but later corrected it once it was pointed out to them they were wrong !