Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - insuredespair
My father in law was driving my car (he was on the policy) and he reversed (very slowly) into a neighbours car (a 2006 Seat Ibiza) denting the passenger door - but not scratching it. As he is on my polciy it will be my no cliams discount that will be lost. I would prefer that it is settled between us so I dont lose it - although only at the right price

The neighbour went to her local SEAT garage and asked for a recommended repair shop. The quote from the 'recommended garage' has duly arrived and was for £684 (inc VAT)for the removal and repair (NB not even a new panel required) and a respray of the door panel (inc blending the paint in with adjoining panels). £130 + VAT of this was paint and 'sundries' (??) and a £384+ VAT charge for labour!! It didn't help that she asked them for a quote to 'insurance level' quality. Whatever that means but to me it shouts 'charge me as much as you like'.

I have asked her for another quote which to date she has point blank refused to get (despite me telling her that my insurance company will want 2 or even 3 quotes if we go that way). She has eventaullay agreed but only if she first asks her SEAT garage whether they are any good. This same body shop recently replaced the front wing of a 09 Chysler Sebring (metallic) and repainted it for £380 and it was perfect.

She is saying that it has to be done by someone SEAT would approve of as she wont be able to tell whether a good job has been done - I can see whether it is good enough and wouldnt pay for anything that wasn't perfect. She seems to think that there is a difference between what you would get on insurance and what you get for paying for it yourself.

Does anyone have any advice as to how to deal with her? convince her that if you choose a reptubale body shop the work is just as good and thoughts on whether the quote for a repair and respray of a SEAT Ibiza door panel seems reasonable and also what it should be. We are in Surrey so I appreciate labour rates are higher but this just looks, to me, like a rip off.

Thank you
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - Fullchat
My two penneth. Respraying a door on its own and getting an exact match is nigh on impossible. Therefore a complete side respray is the only method of getting a consistent visual finish.
I dont know what a litre of paint is these days but it aint cheap. £50 - £60 an hour, oven baking, maybe 8 hours labour. Not that far off their estimate.
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - martint123
Bite the bullet and pass it on to your insurer to deal with.
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - Alby Back
Might be cheaper to take the hit on your ncb and better for your relationship with your neighbour in to the bargain. Fertiliser happens I'm afraid.
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - gordonbennet
devils advocate for a moment, i can understand the neighbours concern about getting a good job done, i would be too.
Not for the seen finish, i think it goes without saying that the job will be perfect, a smart repairer could probably do the job for a ton.

I'd be concerned over the finishing off inside the door where the important stuff like recoating scratched paint after panel repair and miost importantly proper re rustproofing...not saying that it'll be any better done where she's gone.

Unless it's worth spending out the cash it's probably an insurance job.

Edited by gordonbennet on 27/09/2009 at 21:54

Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - Manatee
I agree with Humph - I can understand why your neighbour is more concerned with getting the assurance of a good repair than with saving you money - I would be.

At least if you let it take its course via her insurer and yours, you'll be less the villain of the piece if the repair is sub-standard.
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - Altea Ego
"my no cliams discount that will be lost. I would prefer that it is settled between us so I dont lose it - although only at the right price"

Case of cake and eat it as well I think.

"Does anyone have any advice as to how to deal with her?"

How about thinking you (ok perhaps not you but you know what I mean) have damaged her car, caused her a shed load of grief and agro, and now you are telling her what to do. Frankly if it was me and you were bullying me like that I would be in touch with your insurance company in an instant.

You have told you insurance company haven't you?
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - idle_chatterer
I have to agree with previous posts on this, if it were your 'pride and joy' would you accept anything other than a perfect repair ?

My limited experience is that cars are never repaired in such a manner that the repair cannot be detected, be it paint texture or colour, overspray, misaligned trim or whatever. Couple that with potential loss of manufacturer warrantee (for rust) and I'd behave in much the same way as your neighbour.

Insurance companies on the other hand have approved repairers, they coordinate with each other (since on average each has to pay the other for their total outstanding claims) and so (perhaps) your insurer would liase with your neighbours insurer who may in fact dictate the repairer - possibly not the franchised dealer either ?

Will one claim dent your NCD that badly or for more than a year ?

Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - rtj70
If you were in the neighbours shoes you'd want this done properly. So two options:

(1) Pay the correct rate to have it done without involving insurers.
(2) Involve the insurance

It's up to you but your father in law causes damage that needs fixing properly! So just get the money back off him.

You seem to think the neighbour is trying something on but they could just go via their insurance and in turn they claim off you anyway! So keep them onside.

If I was them I'd give you a short time to sort it with no more hassle (like more quotes) and then involve their insurer to sort it including hire cars etc.. And then the cost and excess of their policy is paid by your insurer.
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - rtj70
And think yourself lucky that the father in law hit a normal car. What if he'd reversed into a Ferrari. Pay up or use insurance for which you pay.

NCD does not go immediately to zero either.

If they read this then maybe they should also claim for loss of value due to repair.

Edited by rtj70 on 27/09/2009 at 23:56

Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - NowWheels
The neighbour is not just someone entitled to have a car repaired, she's a neighbour.

It's not a good idea to make enemies out of neighbours

Edited by NowWheels on 28/09/2009 at 00:01

Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - Bill Payer
I think the OP is being cheeky. A 2006 car is still relatively new - it's not like it's 6 or 7 years old and it's quite proper to want an "approved" repair otherwise the cars body warranty is affected.

My wife scraped the door of her Cllio car on a low wall - can't remember the year but we sold the car in 2003. The cost of repairing it, blowing in the paint etc. was just under £500 then.
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - Lud
Everyone is quite right when they say the OP should pay up, either personally or through the insurance.

Have to say though that the estimate sounds extremely steep. What is the car painted with exactly? Ground-up pearls or something?

Even if it's metallic, the thick end of seven ton is well, a bit thick for one door. Never mind all the carp about having to paint the whole side. The whole side can go over the top and round the ends. You can probably spray a whole car, properly too, for that money.

I can hear it now: 'Insurance job madam?'


'Yeeeee-HAH! Sorry, I mean certainly madam, no problem. But Yeeeee-HAH! too, knowImean?'
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - Bill Payer
I can hear it now: 'Insurance job madam?'

Body shops are forever going bust apparently due to low rates paid by insurance companies. If anything, I would guess the quote would be inflated as it isn't an insurance job, so there's no insurance assessor to tell them to dream on.

Of course doing the job to insurance standards may guaranteeing the work for up to 3 years and providing a courtesy car for the duration of the repair (a few days).
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - rtj70
It's not a good idea to make enemies out of neighbours

Well said.

And he is cheeky expecting them to accept a sub-standard repair that may affect a corrosion warranty.

Let's hope he does not annoy them enough that the damaged door isn't accidentally opened into the side of his car :-) But that would be.... add word

Edited by rtj70 on 28/09/2009 at 00:22

Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - rtj70
I've already said this above in so many words but with statements like:

I have asked her for another quote which to date she has point blank refused to get (despite me telling her that my insurance company will want 2 or even 3 quotes if we go that way)

If I were the neighbour I would want the car back better than it was. You cannot demand anything apart from compensation from the father in law to help pay for this. And never let him drive your cars again until you work out how he did this. Had he hit a person....

If she is fully comp then she can go that route and get back her car as it should be and you lose the NCD anyway.... maybe she should. i.e. her insurer will simply get the money back from yours. You may have little say.

... so if you're after a favour from her....

Edited by rtj70 on 28/09/2009 at 00:45

Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - Lygonos
Pay up.

Sue father-in-law.

Job done.
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - deepwith
When a named driver had an accident in my car, neither my premium or NCB were affected - although I did not keep that person on my insurance for the following year ;-) She informed her insurance company, as required, but I have no idea if it affected her own NCB/premium.
In the future, I asked that she did a short term insurance in her own name with NU if she needed to drive my car.

I think you will find the quote is quite reasonable if you ring around repair shops. Our quotes for spraying/blending three doors have ranged from under £300 to £1,138.68 (labour £681.60, paint/materials £308.56 + VAT). This was for a 10 year old 106 with no paint warranty to keep up.

Good relations with neighbours are beyond cost and father-in-law should stump up excess. Only way going via insurance should be a problem would be if the excess was over the quoted amount.

Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - cheddar
The SEAT owner will want a SEAT approved repair for corrosion warranty purposes.

Options: Insist on another quote though expect it to be a SEAT approved repairer and go 50-50 with your F-i-L on the cheapest.

Hand it over to your insurer.

Edited by cheddar on 28/09/2009 at 10:05

Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - Hamsafar
If I was the neighbour with a 3 year old car, I would do exactly the same.
Whenever anyone hits my car, I go to the best (and probably most expensive) bod-yshop I can, as there is already enough hassle without ending up rejecting flawed work etc....
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - Andy P
Surely it's your F-I-Ls insurance that takes the hit - it was him driving at the time, not you.
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - insuredespair
Thank you for all your advice. Sadly it does come off my NCB if we claim. Its not the first claim that worries me as the initial hit isn't too bad - it's just that if there is another claim (god forbid) and I will lose the lot and that will cost me far in excess of the damage.

my F-in-L does have insurance on his car but as he was named on mine it has to go through mine for some reason.

I would never let any work be sub-standard on my car or hers so I'm not trying to get it done on the cheap but at a fair price. And you only know whether the first quote is fair by getting another. It would be like only gettting one quote from a builder to build an extension. So if that is a fair price then so be it and I have no qualms about that but I just want to have some re-assurance that it is a fair price - thats all.

Does sound like it will be an insurance job though - hit on the NCB but no excess for some reason as its a 3rd party claim??!!
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - bell boy
the lesson to learn is NOT to have named drivers on your insurance policy
but im sure you realise that now
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - commerdriver
my F-in-L does have insurance on his car but as he was named on mine
it has to go through mine for some reason.

Who is telling you it has to go through yours, surely if he has valid insurance of his own he can insist on who deals with the claim.

Admittedly now about 8 or 9 years ago, my wife had a minor accident in her father's car and insisted on her own insurance DOC being used rather than her father's insurance, was no problem at the time.

Edited by commerdriver on 28/09/2009 at 12:23

Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - Andrew-T
If you get this done on your insurance, you should be able to choose your preferred repairer instead of the's suggestion. That could be more convenient for you or your neighbour (much nearer home for example) and even end in a better repair. Ask your usual servicing people (if you trust them) who they would recommend.
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - pd
There is certainly a diffence between private work and insurance work at most bodyshops - the insurance work is done by the most unskilled person in the place in the shortest time possible in the most slapdash way possible. The policy of most is do it on the cheap on the basis that only 10% will complain and have to come back for rectification.

That said, the SEAT owner is obiously not confident of judging good or bad repairs so needs/wants the reassurance of a recommended repairer. That fact that the recommended repairer is probably the SEAT dealer's service manager's brother in law is not the point, if she is not confident when it comes to car repairs (which puts her in the large majority) one can hardly blame her.

She's in her rights for her car to be put back into the same position as before the bump so if she is offering the chouce of her chosen repairer or through insurance then they are the two options open to you.
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - jbif
She's in her rights for her car to be put back into the same position as before the bump .. >>

pd: Agreed. Got it it one. She can choose whoever she wants to ensure that her bodywork warranty remains intact and that the car looks just as it did before the bump.

commerdriver asked: >> "Who is telling you it has to go through yours, surely if he has valid insurance of his own he can insist on who deals with the claim." >>
IMO - I should think that the relevant insurance cover is the one with the named driver. "Driving other cars" extension of the F-i-L will not apply.

Andre-T said: >> "If you get this done on your insurance, you should be able to choose your preferred repairer instead of the's suggestion." >>
IMO, that does not apply. The choice is for the neighbour to make, her car has been damaged by the negligence of F-i-L, and neighbour is entitled to be put back in the position she was in before the bump. It is her call how she gets it done to achieve that position, and it is up to the OP to find an acceptable solution. Insurance is there to meet OP's costs in settling the claim from neighbour.

Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - NowWheels
She can choose whoever she wants to ensure that her bodywork warranty
remains intact and that the car looks just as it did before the bump.

Not entirely.

She's entitled to be put back in the position she was in before the bump, but she also has a responsibility to mitigate her losses. In this case, one of the ways to mitigate her losses is by accepting the most cost-effective way of having the work done to to the required standard.

Of course, it's rather difficult for those of us not in trade to assess the capabilities of a repairer, so it's a rather hard question to answer.

It seems to me that the conversation between OP and owner has deteriorated to the point where there isn't much goodwill left on either side, which makes it very difficult to resolve things.
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - jbif
Not entirely. >>

Ok, let me be precise, to paraphrase a recent (June 2009) Court of Appeal ruling:

A claimant who has ..... car by the negligence of a tortfeasor only has to take reasonable steps to mitigate his claim for that ..... and he cannot, ..... ..... , be said to act unreasonably if he makes (or continues) his own arrangements ........ , unless he is made aware that this ...... ... can be undertaken more cheaply by the defendant than by his own arrangements. "

So if the neighbour chooses a repairer, it is up to the OP to prove that the same standard of work can be undertaken more cheaply by an alternative suggested repairer.

Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - commerdriver
IMO - I should think that the relevant insurance cover is the one with the
named driver. "Driving other cars" extension of the F-i-L will not apply.

In my wife's case either insurance covered it, that's what DOC is for, to cover you while driving someone else's car for third party liabilities. Surely it's your choice on which policy to claim under if 2 policies potentially apply
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - jbif
Surely it's your choice on which policy to claim under if 2 policies potentially apply >>

Perhaps your wife could do us a service by phoning (or writing to) senior managers at her two insurance companies and getting an official reply.

p.s. I have a different understanding of what DOC is for. Also, I have a different understanding of what happens when the same risk is covered by two different policies.

Edited by jbif on 28/09/2009 at 14:46

Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - commerdriver
Perhaps your wife could do us a service by phoning (or writing to) senior managers
at her two insurance companies and getting an official reply.

Jbif my post was based on a real situation equivalent to the OP's and the real claim that was made under my wife's policy rather than her father's.
If you want an official statement from a senior manager of a major insurance company please feel free to waste your time on that.
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - pd
With regard to claiming under "driving other cars" part of a policy you can normally only claim on this if there is no other insurance in place.

In this case, if the driver was a named driver then obviously there is insurance in place so will take priority.
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - cheddar
With regard to claiming under "driving other cars" part of a policy you can normally
only claim on this if there is no other insurance in place.
In this case if the driver was a named driver then obviously there is insurance
in place so will take priority.

That makes perfect sense to me, just as I would expect it to be.

However just what effect would a claim have on the OP's policy anyway because the claim is his F-i-L's so it is his F-i-L's driving record that is blemished.
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - pd
However just what effect would a claim have on the OP's policy anyway because the
claim is his F-i-L's so it is his F-i-L's driving record that is blemished.

NCB and driving record are diffent things. Have you had any accidents? No. Have you had any claims? Yes.

Claims can be for a number of things - theft etc.

Obviously the driver should technically declare the accident on their insurance even though it will not effect their NCB.
Despair over quotes for repairs - advice needed - jbif
Jbif my post was based on a real situation equivalent to the OP's and the real claim that was made under my wife's policy rather than her father's. >>

in reply to commerdriver. Good for you. IMO:
a. either someone at the insurance company that paid the claim goofed,
b. or your wife and F-i-L have found an insurance company that behaves differently[*] in these situations.

[*] Notes:
1. Sometimes the amount that each company pays is determined by which insurance company is considered primary. This method of determining insurance payouts is commonly used where insurance by different people's policies cover the same loss or with insurance that was not purchased directly by the insured.
2. If a loss occurs that is covered by more than one insurance policy that was purchased by the insured, then each policy pays a portion of the loss that is proportional to the amount of that policy over the total amount of all policies for the loss—each policy pays its pro rata share.
3. Some policies handle multiple coverage through payments of equal shares rather than pro rata payments. Each company pays an equal amount until the loss is covered, or the policy limit of any policy is reached. If one or more of the policy limits are reached, then the equal share principle applies to the remaining insurers. As each policy limit is reached, the remaining insurers make equal payments with the remaining amount of uncovered loss until the loss is covered or all policies are maxed out.

Edited by jbif on 28/09/2009 at 19:03